I need help please

Hello everyone

newbie in arduino here, i recently got a school project to do basically i need help with the code and the schema and the circuit. So the project is that i have to make a sort of parking using these things:

-2 servo motors.

-2 infrared distance sensor

-1 arduino UNO

-1 testing board

-1 lcd screen


And the project says that when a car enters the parking (that has 5 slots) the output needs to be 4 in the available slots (basically removes 1) and when a car leaves the parking it gotta be 5 again (basically adds one), obviously its not real cars its just mini cars to simulate. Im really looking for help to get this project done any hel would be appreciated, and i will give any other info needed.

Thank you

Start with your list of devices. Decide how they will be used in your project. Draw a picture of what you imagne the result (without code) to resemble. Make notes of "what happens and when it happens"

... then...

Make individual projects for each of your devices (servo, IR sensor, LCD) until they work. Use the example sketches that are included in all libraries (libraries allow you to communicate with your devices).

Always, ask questions at any time.


You’re going to have a problem…. servo motors need drivers.

Unless youre using ‘servos’ (a closed loop implementation with a servo motor), feedback sensor and driver)

Members are advised to give the topic a title telling what the question is about. Assuming You did that, please run Google on " [I need help please]". Plenty to find in such a search.
One idea for forum is that members joining can search on their titles and find already answered questions.


These will be the entrance/exit gates. Just servo, not stepper.

This. Seriously. It's always "time saving" to do multiple things all at once, until you realize you have to do each one again to figure out how they work. So just do it this way to start with.
When you're stuck, ask.
When you've got each subelement figured out, make an honest attempt to insert them into a master project while you still understand the simple one, then move on to the next.

  • not servo motor either.

@queeesu - Are you restricted to a list of learning resources, or are you free to discover how to use your devices and create a project? Would you list the part numbers of your sensors/devices? Some examples (just guessing), Servo = SG90? IR distance (proximity) sensor = GP2YA41SK0F? LCD screen = I2C1602 (maybe SPI1602) or is it OLED or TFT?

This is a typical homework assignment that keeps coming up here.
Take the forum search engine and search the forum.

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