I need more ports

So, I'm developing a MIDI controller for the GrandMA2 light software, but what happens is that I have to connect 59 digital ports, but unfortunately my Arduino Leonardo only has 14, I thought about connecting some Leonardo boards to a USB hub and using my Raspberry pi 0 w to join all the boards, but I'm sure the beautiful Arduino community has a better solution :slight_smile:

An Arduino Mega maybe ?

I thinked about that, but i wanted to use a board like atmega32u4 so i didn't need something like Hairless Midi

Are there any other requirements that you haven't mentioned ?

I think no, like i need that sends directly MIDI, and have a lot of ports

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Oh my bad, i would like to delete the portuguese one


Which of your two topics would you like to keep ?


No problem, there are port expanders that should do the job for you such as the PCF8575.

Analogue inputs can be used as digital inputs. It does not bring you to 59 though.

Simple on/off? Only input or also output? You can use shift registers (74HC595 for output, 74HC165 for input) and I2C/SPI port expanders (one of them mentioned above) by @gilshultz .

A post was split to a new topic: Only 11 pins working on Nano