I need the Arduino code to control the rotation angle of a DC motor using a potentiometer. Can you help me?

I need the Arduino code to control the rotation angle of a DC motor using a potentiometer. Can you help me?

Welcome to the forum

Exactly what type of motor do you have and have you got any means of measuring its angle of rotation ?

A servo motor can be repeatedly controlled from 0-180°

Lots of examples of a potentiometer and servo motor sketches out there.

A continuous servo can be considered but the angle is difficult without other sensors.

My device is small. Small servo motor is not available in the market.
So, I have to control the rotation angle using a potentiometer.
Can you help me get the Arduino code?

As soon as you use the word "control" that says you know the position of the motor and can make it move under control. Do you have any rotation feedback from the motor?

We need a complete explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.

In reality, you can get ANY size servo motor you need. Just not the cheap hobby motors.

Gearbox DC motor 300rpm

I searched but unfortunately it is not available. If I got the Arduino code, my problem would be solved.

Sure. Use the Arduino PID library or buy one of these.

To do this project, I need the Arduino code ready.

To do this project, I need the Arduino code ready.

You can find paid consulting services here.

You can ask for the Arduino code as many times as you like but if you have not got the correct hardware then no code can make up for it

You say that you want to control the motor position using a potentiometer. Can you explain how you envisage it working

Exactly how big is the motor that you have ?

This is a student project. I want to control the rotation angle of a gearbox DC motor by +15,-15 degrees using potentiometer feedback. I need the Arduino code ready.
DC motor specifications:
diameter : 22 mm, Length: 30 mm, shaft diameter: 3mm

This is a student project. I want to control the rotation angle of a gearbox DC motor by +15,-15 degrees using potentiometer feedback. I need the Arduino code ready.
DC motor specifications:
diameter : 22 mm, Length: 30 mm, shaft diameter: 3mm, rotation speed: 300 rpm

Even if you are willing to pay, you are not going to get much further without providing a lot more information.

At last we get some details
Is the motor capable of turning the pot ?

What information do you need?

Begin by answering the questions already asked.