I tried to change the blinking time but it just didn't connect, says "we can not connect"

I installed the first time flawlessly, the blinking led, it worked ok but when I tried to change the blinking time to 5000 waiting it just didn't connect, says "we can not connect" the board keeps blinking at the 1000 rate and even if I restart the laptop, change USB cable, unplug it and replug USB, it keeps going at 1000 , press the reset button to no response. Switch everything off and restart and keeps going. A faullty usb socket, I have switched through the 3 I have. Help

I moved your post to its own dedicated topic since it didn't seem to be related in any way to the year old topic you tacked it on to @marcelosacem.

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Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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OS: Linux/Mac/Win ?

Your Arduino was loaded at the factory with the compiled "blink" sketch. You are seeing that sketch run as it blinks at 1Hz (1000 ms rate). When you try to change and upload the new sketch, and the communication to the Arduino fails, the original sketch is still running.

Which Arduino do you have? Uno? Nano? Other? It is possible your Arduino uses a different USB communication device, which can be made to work using some available software.

Windows 10

Might be that the Arduinos USB is wasted.

See in the IDE -> Tools -> Port if the right COM port is present and chosen. Also check if the USB Serial port is present i Device Manager.

If you are unable to upload new code this description applies to analyse your problem.
The compile and upload-log will give very important detail-information.

best regards Stefan

I am doing my first footsteps here and bought a "starter pack" which came with a generic board, if you, and I think that's the problem, I will get an original UNO because I am really interested in using this devices

Nothing wrong with replicas, but some isn't up to same standard as the original.

Follow the link in post #7.

The starter pack probably is good. There should be instructions on getting started. Did you receive a "link" to their user information or a CDROM?

I will follow your instructions but right now I am parked at the roadside going to my factory (62 km from home each way) and the Arduino is right now sitting at home, as soon as I get home I will try all your advices. And in the meantime will get an original UNO delivered home.
Thanks to all

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Of course you can support the arduino-project by buying an original arduino.
Me personal I have not yet seen any arduino-clone that did not work.
There might be some rather rare cases if you buy extremely cheap clones.

I have bought a lot of clones of arduinos, unos, megas micros, even with microcontroller-chip-clones
cheap ESP32 and cheap ESP8266 and they all worked fine.

My estimation is that you have a driver-problem or you selected the wrong COM-Port.
If it really is a driver-problem or a COM-Port-problem can be seen if you post the

compile/upload-log as a code-section here in the forum.
best regards Stefan

Thanks to you for your help, found that the clone is from a good source so that is not the problem, seems I have a faulty USB connector in the laptop as it compiled well but tomorrow I am reinstalling everything in another laptop, my wife's one, newer and less battered than my faithful Toshiba that's almost 8 years on the run even though it's been upgraded in RAM and SSD.
I will keep you posted

Sounds like someone is eligible for a lot more foot massage in the future.
And no, it doesn't matter that you bought it for her :wink:

First thing to check is Windows device manager; does a new port show in the ports (COM & LPT) section when you connect the board and disappear when you disconnect the board? If yes, is that the port that you selected in the IDE?

If not, you might have a board with CH340 serial-to-usb converter (it's chip the one closest to the USB connector) or other one; original Unos have the Atmel 16U2. If it does not have the 16U2, you need to install the driver.

I do have the Ch340 as my board is identified as UNO R3 Atmega328p Smf Ch340g.So I will have to lookup for the driver and install it. Thank you.

The problem was in the Windows 10 COM port, not in the driver, now I can experiment and begin learning.
Thank you to all of you.

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