IDE 1.8.19 download confusion

Why does it have to be confusing ?
I have W10 Home. 64 bit computer. I want to get a newer version of the IDE.
But look at the download choices.
One is Windows 7 and newer, and the other is Windows App win 8.1 or 10.
No explanation. See attached image. Which should I install ?

I'm not sure I uploaded the image right. it's one of those days for me.

choose wisely

take this. but if you burn a hole in the planet don't ask me.

Use either "Win7 and newer" or the "zip". The possible problem with the "store" version is that you have less control; there used to be a time that it was advised to uninstall the "store" version if you encountered problems and use the "Win7 and newer" or the "zip"; I don't know if the "store" version is still giving people grief.

If you don't have admin priveleges on the PC, use the "zip". Added advantage is that it can be made portable (install on e.g. a memory stick). Disadvantage is that you need to create the file associations yourself.

I started with with the "Win7 and newer" install and now have a couple of "zip" installs as well.

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