Hi, I’m new here.
While copying the response of a new sensor out of the serial monitor (interested in ramp up data) I mentioned that the copy buffer is limited to around half of the screen height.
That’s quite strange for such a simple operation.
Can someone confirm this?Verwende dieses Symbol um Code zu posten
I do not know if it's half the screen height. But there have been plenty complaints about it. I'm not sure which of the following will exactly apply: github arduino ide serial monitor copy
You can use a 3rd party software (e.g. minicom, cutecom, putty) which will also provide logging to file capabilities.
There have been lots of reports/issues reported about the problems with the Serial monitor.
@ptillisch gave a nice summary of some of the reported issues, in a thread where I asked should we still keep reporting things:
In this he linked to several of the currently still active issues on this: