IDE doesn't recognize AVRISP MKii

The IDE shows an option for using an AVRISP MKii programmer but when I connect mine it doesn't even register the port it is connected to. I verified that the computer recognizes the device and ran Atmel Studio V7.0 to verify that it is connected. I read somewhere that there was a problem several years ago with this device being compatible with AVRDUDE version 6.3 so it was rolled back to 6.1. Maybe this is a similar issue? I'm using IDE 2.2.1 and the programmer is the one pictured below.

Hi @Boomer48.

This is normal and expected. The AVRISP MKII is a pure USB device that doesn't use serial ports. So you do not need to select a port from the Tools > Port menu in Arduino IDE in order to use the programmer.

I don't think that is it. Please just go ahead and try whatever operation you were planning to do. If it doesn't work, then come back here and provide details of the problem you experienced and we'll help you out.

Yes, it did work even though the IDE says "Not connected". Interesting that Atmel Studio does detect whether or not it is connected.

I'm glad it is working now. Thanks for taking the time to post an update!


I have a similar problem. Using IDE 1.8.13 works fine. Using 2.2.1 I get the following message:

Sketch uses 690 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
Global variables use 9 bytes (1%) of dynamic memory, leaving 503 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 512 bytes.
A programmer is required to upload

This is for an AtTiny84. I have selected the board as Attiny 24/44/84
The programmer as AVRISP mkII
Using an Olimex AVR-ISP_MKII

What I notice is that serial port /dev/ttyS0 is selected and I don't see how to disable the selection. With IDE 1.8.13 no serial port is selected.

Running Linux Mint 19.3

I'm sure you will get a response from one of the Arduino folks and I'm not familiar with the Linux install. Having said all that, one thing I had to fix going to version 2.2.1 was multiple installs of ATtinycore. I think I got there because I had let the system install a version but at some point I had also manually installed a version in my "hardware" folder. It would show up as two different versions when I went to select the board and port for my project in 2.2.1. Maybe you have a similar issue.

Hi @tedbar. You must select Sketch > Upload Using Programmer from the Arduino IDE menus when uploading to your ATtiny84. Give that a try.

Hopefully the upload will be successful after that. If not, you can add a reply here on this forum thread to let us know. Please also tell us whether you are still getting the "A programmer is required to upload" error message, or if it changed to a different message.

100% :grinning: All working now.

I'm glad it is working now. Thanks for taking the time to post an update.


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