IDE hangs on startup: "Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established"

I have seen MANY discussion topics with the IDE 2.__ hanging on startup. I have not read every single solution. I did find one that has my same error.

but this person also had some strange characters in their output feed that I don't have, and the user dropped off, maybe got their problem fixed. Anyway I have tried some of the remedies posted but it seems the solutions need to be custom tailored to my unique experience. I have followed from @ ptillisch on how to get my output feed. Here is my output

PS C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE> & ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE> & ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE>
Arduino IDE 2.2.1
Checking for frontend application configuration customizations. Module path: C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\electron-main.js, destination 'package.json': C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\package.json
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.appVersion' application configuration value to: "2.2.1" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.cliVersion' application configuration value to: "0.34.0" (type of string)
Setting 'theia.frontend.config.buildDate' application configuration value to: "2023-08-31T14:35:44.802Z" (type of string)
Frontend application configuration after modifications: {"applicationName":"Arduino IDE","defaultTheme":{"light":"arduino-theme","dark":"arduino-theme-dark"},"defaultIconTheme":"none","electron":{"windowOptions":{}},"defaultLocale":"","validatePreferencesSchema":false,"preferences":{"window.title":"${rootName}${activeEditorShort}${appName}","files.autoSave":"afterDelay","editor.minimap.enabled":false,"editor.tabSize":2,"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine":false,"editor.quickSuggestions":{"other":false,"comments":false,"strings":false},"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength":500,"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled":false,"breadcrumbs.enabled":false,"workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides":"none","explorer.compactFolders":false},"appVersion":"2.2.1","cliVersion":"0.34.0","buildDate":"2023-08-31T14:35:44.802Z"}
Starting backend process. PID: 22976
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuration directory URI: 'file:///c%3A/Users/grant.roth/.arduinoIDE'
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.795Z root INFO Backend Object.initialize: 3.4 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.795Z root INFO Backend Object.configure: 2.8 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.795Z root INFO Backend a.onStart: 1.0 ms [Finished 0.372 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.796Z root INFO Backend a.configure: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.391 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.796Z root INFO Backend u.onStart: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.391 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.797Z root INFO Backend d.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 0.391 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.798Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 18.7 ms [Finished 0.391 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.798Z root INFO Backend c.onStart: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.391 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.799Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 1.0 ms [Finished 0.392 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.800Z config INFO >>> Initializing CLI configuration...
2023-10-21T12:53:06.800Z root INFO Backend c.initialize: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.393 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.800Z root INFO Backend P.onStart: 0.8 ms [Finished 0.393 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.801Z config INFO Loading CLI configuration from c:\Users\grant.roth\.arduinoIDE\arduino-cli.yaml...
2023-10-21T12:53:06.801Z daemon INFO Starting daemon from C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\resources\arduino-cli.exe...
2023-10-21T12:53:06.801Z root INFO Backend s.initialize: 0.2 ms [Finished 0.394 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.801Z root INFO Backend w.onStart: 1.0 ms [Finished 0.395 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.801Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 1.8 ms [Finished 0.395 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z discovery-log INFO start
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z discovery-log INFO start new deferred
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend d.initialize: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.395 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend y.onStart: 1.6 ms [Finished 0.397 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend r.configure: 1.4 ms [Finished 0.397 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend s.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.398 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend h.configure: 0.4 ms [Finished 0.398 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend a.configure: 0.3 ms [Finished 0.399 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend s.configure: 0.0 ms [Finished 0.399 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.802Z root INFO Backend l.configure: 0.0 ms [Finished 0.399 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.805Z root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:62104.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.805Z root INFO Finished starting backend application: 3.1 ms [Finished 0.401 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:06.811Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/grant.roth/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.812Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/grant.roth/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.815Z root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:C:\Users\grant.roth\.arduinoIDE\plugins does not exist.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.973Z daemon INFO time="2023-10-21T06:53:06-06:00" level=info msg="Using config file: c:\\Users\\grant.roth\\.arduinoIDE\\arduino-cli.yaml"
time="2023-10-21T06:53:06-06:00" level=info msg="arduino-cli.exe version 0.34.0"
time="2023-10-21T06:53:06-06:00" level=info msg="Executing `arduino-cli daemon`"
Daemon is now listening on
2023-10-21T12:53:06.974Z daemon INFO Daemon is running.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.981Z config INFO Loaded CLI configuration: {"board_manager":{"additional_urls":[]},"build_cache":{"compilations_before_purge":10,"ttl":"720h0m0s"},"daemon":{"port":"50051"},"directories":{"data":"C:\\Users\\grant.roth\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15","downloads":"C:\\Users\\grant.roth\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\staging","user":"C:\\Users\\grant.roth\\Documents\\Arduino"},"library":{"enable_unsafe_install":false},"logging":{"file":"","format":"text","level":"info"},"metrics":{"addr":":9090","enabled":true},"output":{"no_color":false},"sketch":{"always_export_binaries":false},"updater":{"enable_notification":true}}
2023-10-21T12:53:06.981Z config INFO '' and 'directories.user' are set in the CLI configuration model.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.983Z config INFO Loaded the CLI configuration.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.987Z config INFO Mapped the CLI configuration: {"dataDirUri":"file:///c%3A/Users/grant.roth/AppData/Local/Arduino15","sketchDirUri":"file:///c%3A/Users/grant.roth/Documents/Arduino","additionalUrls":[],"network":"none","locale":"en"}
2023-10-21T12:53:06.987Z config INFO Validating the CLI configuration...
2023-10-21T12:53:06.989Z config INFO The CLI config is valid.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.989Z config INFO <<< Initialized the CLI configuration.
2023-10-21T12:53:06.996Z root INFO Resolve plugins list: 195.4 ms [Finished 0.593 s after backend start]
2023-10-21T12:53:07.615Z root ERROR Uncaught Exception:  Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established
2023-10-21T12:53:07.616Z root ERROR Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: No connection established
    at t.callErrorFromStatus (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:726940)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:752179)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:748059)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:747504)
    at C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:833048
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11)
for call at
    at a.makeUnaryRequest (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:751720)
    at a.create (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:818456)
    at instance (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:585395)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at _.createClient (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:585372)
    at _.create (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:584231)
    at C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:583109
    at C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:1039338
    at i.invoke (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:1039428)
    at (C:\Users\grant.roth\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\lib\backend\main.js:2:1041222)
2023-10-21T12:53:13.391Z root INFO Deploy plugins list: 195.4 ms [Finished 6.987 s after backend start]
Opening channel for service path '/services/electron-window'.
Opening channel for service path '/services/ide-updater'.
[16340:1021/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is

That is a whole bunch of stuff, but I think the relevant information is there at the end. the error 14 stuff. I just can't find anywhere where is says what to do with this. In the other post you said it doesn't give you enough info.
As some backstory I installed this new IDE several weeks ago and it worked great! But then yesterday when I came back to it it hung up like this. I have restarted my computer, uninstalled reinstalled, deleted files and folders recommended in other posts, made sure I'm connected to the internet. Firewall, if it is getting firewalled well then I guess I'm going to be having a problem, I like some others am using a company laptop for this project and have little control over that.

Perhaps you have some firewall that is disallowing you connecting from port to port on your computer. I am not sure, but it's probably worth a shot, especially because it just showed up after working before.

well if it is that then I'm afraid I am stuck. I am not able to modify firewalls on the computer I am currently using.

For the record, my work updated some firewalls. While I am not certain that this is the issue, it seems highly highly likely to be the problem. as you suggested. Thanks for the help.

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