I'm doing a school project and have have a query.

I have a project for school, where I need to make an electronic device which allows a sports person to record their stats and improve.
I have chosen the idea of making a laser tracker,
The laser is shining on a sensor, once triggered (the runner runs through a laser) the connection is cut off from the sensor and starts timing, runs through it again and it stops, displays the time.
I unfortunately do not know how to code, or whether my components will work.

I want, a laser sensor to sense the laser, once it is cut off, to send a signal to the arduino to start counting, and once he has run through it again, it sends a signal to a speaker to say its finished, and then to send a signal to an LCD to display the time, and have a button to reset it.

I do not know which arduino to use

I'm wondering if I can get any help with this, or if someone can get in contact with me to be able to help me with this maybe through call or email.

The component images are attached.


That seems a lot of complexity to make what amounts to a very basic stopwatch. Even a decent stopwatch will remember previous times and display them so that the runner can see if she is improving.

Since your project is all about improving I'd think that you should at least include a last time and previous best time. Then perhaps a message saying "Congratulations - you beat your PB by x.xx seconds".

But you're going to need to learn quite a bit about coding and Arduinos first, unless you want to pay someone to do your school project for you i.e. cheat. It seems an odd project to give anyone who hasn't had any lessons about such things.


yeah the problem is that i haven't been taught any of it, and am expected to finish it by 3 weeks, and it is 40% of my grade. So im looking for anything really that will be of help whether its an expert or someone who has done something similar to this before.

Sorry but I don't think most of us here will simply do your school project for you. That's not learning, that's just cheating.

If you make some effort maybe by searching "Arduino stopwatch" or "Arduino timer" you'll find that lots of people have done it before and there is plenty of code out that that is at least close. And all of those components have plenty of example code.

Give it a try and if you have any problems post the code you tried and say what it's doing and what you wan it to do that's different.


It sounds like a classic beam break application and the components , together with a uno and connecting wires as already suggested will work. Maybe a breadboard also.
Start by getting each component to work separately with its own dedicated sketch, then work out how to combine it all.
The complete device you build will have a number of states:
Waiting for first beam break
In first beam break (record start time)
Waiting for second beam break
In second beam break (calculate elapsed time)
Display results then timeout back to initial state.

and we all had the same teacher who thinks theirs is the only subject you have and doesn't care that you also have to write a book review on War & Peace as well as dissect a dinosaur in the biology lab. We all have that t-shirt.

From the other side of the fence, we have all had students that claim they were not taught something when actually they had. They simply missed classes or didn’t pay attention or were so unsuited to academic life that they failed to see the relevance of what they were being taught. I too have been there and got the T-shirt.

There is also a degree of choice in assignments of this type so why did the student pick that topic.

Anyway students often think that something must work in order to get a pass, where as in reality it is the effort a student makes and the quality of the write up that makes up the mark.