I'm not sure if I connected all the components correctly

Hi, I'm trying to make a project with my arduino but I don't know if I have correctly positioned all the components, if anyone could help me I would be grateful. Thanks!


Hi, in which program I can make this dhiagram myself, I'll show you correct version

You need a common GND between the Arduino and the servo supply.

Pins 1 and 2 on the Arduino are hardware serial

The converter output connections are swapped.

You must put GND between the servo and Arduino

I used Fritzing. I think you can easily find a crack on youtube

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So i have to reverse the "out" and "in" of the converter and add a gnd. But I don't understand what I should do with the two pins.

You have the converter output connections reversed i.e. positive and negative are reversed.

Converter output positive needs to go the servo positive (red wire).

Converter output negative needs to go the servo negative (black wire).

Also, converter negative needs to connect to Arduino GND.

Simply take a piece of paper and a pencil to draw a hardware schematic.

It uses the paper and pencil or it gets the asciimatics again!

      |  +---|EXT|--------|USB|---+                   |
      |  |    PWR          A5/SCL | +---------------+ |
      |  |                 A4/SDA | |     +-------+ | |
      |  |          UNO      AREF | |     |SERVO 1| | |
      |  |                    GND |-+     |    GND|-+ |
      |  | IOREF          SCK/D13 |   +---|SIG VCC|-|-+
      |  | RST             DI/D12 |   |   +-------+ | |
      |  | 3V3             DO/D11~|---+             | |
      |  | +5V                D10~|---+   +-------+ | |
      |  | GND                 D9~|   |   |SERVO 2| | |
   +--|--| GND                 D8 |   |   |    GND|-+ |
   |  +--| Vin                 D7 |   +---|SIG VCC|-|-+
   |  |  |                     D6~|       +-------+ | |
   |  |  | A0                  D5~|                 | |
   |  |  | A1                  D4 |                 | |
   |  |  | A2             INT1/D3 |       +-------+ | |
   |  |  | A3             INT0/D2~|       | HC-05 | | |
   |  |  | A4/DA  RS CK DI  TX>D1 |-------|RXD GND|-+ |
   |  |  | A5/CL  GD D0 5V  RX<D0 |-------|TXD VCC|---+
   |  |  +------------------------+       +-------+
   |  |  +--------------+
   |  +--|OUT+       IN+|---(EXT+V)
   +-----|OUT-       IN-|---(EXT-V)

You need to use software serial for the HC-05, pins 0 (TX) and 1 (RX) are for communicating with the PC (Serial Monitor).

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