input from barcode

error: 'cardcnt' was not declared in scope

Barcode Scanner                                                        
	This code reads the input from a ps/2 keyboard or keyboard-like        
	device (e.g. a barcode scanner), translates the scan-codes into        
	numbers (only numbers from 0 to 9 can be used at the moment)           
	It is nowhere near a complete implementation of the ps/2 protocol,     
	but it should give you a starting point.                               
	mys .// Benjamin Maus	( benjamin.maus <at> )          
char *goodCards[] = { "3455192327218", "4005209057240", "5060048310337" };
int SCAN_ENTER = 0x5a; int SCAN_BREAK = 0xf0;
int breakActive = 0;
int clockPin = 3; // Clock is only output. 
int dataPin = 2; // The data pin is bi-directional
				// But at the moment we are only interested in receiving   
int ledPin = 13;  // When a SCAN_ENTER scancode is received the LED blink
int clockValue = 0; byte dataValue;
byte scanCodes[10] = {0x45,0x16,0x1e,0x26,0x25,0x2e,0x36,0x3d,0x3e,0x46}; char characters[10] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
int quantityCodes = 10;
char buffer[64] = {};	// This saves the characters (for now only numbers) 
int bufferPos = 0; 
int bufferLength = 64;

void setup() {
	pinMode(dataPin, INPUT);                                               
	pinMode(clockPin, INPUT);                                              
	pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);                                               

void loop() {
	dataValue = dataRead();                                                
	// If there is a break code, skip the next byte                        
	if (dataValue == SCAN_BREAK) {                                         
		breakActive = 1;                                                     
	// Translate the scan codes to numbers                                 
	// If there is a match, store it to the buffer                         
	for (int i = 0; i < quantityCodes; i++) {      	                       
		byte temp = scanCodes[i];                                            
		if(temp == dataValue){                                               
			if(!breakActive == 1){                                             
				buffer[bufferPos] = characters[i];                               
	//Serial.print('*'); // Output an asterix for every byte               
	// Print the buffer if SCAN_ENTER is pressed.                          
	if(dataValue == SCAN_ENTER){                                           
		Serial.print("\nbuffer: ");                                          
		// Read the buffer                                                   
int goodMatch = -1;
for(int c=0; c<cardCnt; c++)

   if(strcmp(buffer, goodCards[c]) == 0)
      goodMatch = c;

Serial.print("goodMatch  = ");
Serial.println(goodMatch);     // Will print index of good card in array		

                int i=0;																		                         
		if (buffer[i] != 0) {                                                
			while(buffer[i] != 0) {                                            
				Serial.print( buffer[i] );                                       
				buffer[i] = 0;                                                   
		Serial.println(" [Enter]");                                          
		bufferPos = 0;                                                       
		// Blink the LED	                                                   
		digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);                                          
		digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);                                           
	int goodMatch = -1;

for(int c=0; c<cardCnt; c++)
   if(strcmp(buffer, goodCards[c]) == 0)
      goodMatch = c;

Serial.print("goodMatch  = ");
Serial.println(goodMatch);     // Will print index of good card in array// Reset the SCAN_BREAK state if the byte was a normal one             
	if(dataValue != SCAN_BREAK){                                           
		breakActive = 0;                                                     
	dataValue = 0;                                                         

int dataRead() {
	byte val = 0;                                                          
	// Skip start state and start bit                                      
	while (digitalRead(clockPin));  // Wait for LOW.                       
	// clock is high when idle                                             
	while (!digitalRead(clockPin)); // Wait for HIGH.                      
	while (digitalRead(clockPin));  // Wait for LOW.                       
	for (int offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) {                           
		while (digitalRead(clockPin));         // Wait for LOW               
		val |= digitalRead(dataPin) << offset; // Add to byte                
		while (!digitalRead(clockPin));        // Wait for HIGH              
// Skipping parity and stop bits down here.                            
	while (digitalRead(clockPin));           // Wait for LOW.              
	while (!digitalRead(clockPin));          // Wait for HIGH.             
	while (digitalRead(clockPin));           // Wait for LOW.              
	while (!digitalRead(clockPin));          // Wait for HIGH.             
	return val;                                                            

See reply #16 - bottom half.

thanks for that but no matter what barcode i scan it prints good match even one's thats not registered

untitled.bmp (2.25 MB)

One of the scans showed 40052005724. You said that the valid value was 4005209057240. Similar, but not the same. Try putting "40052005724" in the array.

will not complile


char *goodCards = {"3455192327218", "4005209057240", "5060048310337" };


const int cardCnt = 3;
char *goodCards[cardCnt] = { "3455192327218", "4005209057240", "5060048310337" };

For some reason the it is not reading all the number’s … the barcode is 5060048310337 it reads 5060041033. But this is not a problem as long as if reads the same number for that barcode every time ……. So is this how it should look ?

untitled.bmp (2.25 MB)