Feasibility of Barcode Scanner controlled system


I'm trying to build an automated system which will execute a different set of commands depending on the barcode which has been scanned. Ideally I would like the barcode scanner to send the string it scans to the arduino where i can match that up to a defined case that will execute those specific commands. Also I would want to scan multiple barcodes at once and have the arduino work through them one at a time.

Right now I have a barcode scanner (USB), a Mega board, and a USB host shield.

I have been looking around and have seen some instructions on using a keyboard to control an arduino, but the ones that I was able to follow were using the serial monitor. I would like to not have a computer attached if possible. Also many barcode scanner instructions were using ps/2 instead of USB HID scanners.

So I imagine something like this:
Scan barcodes: 22223456, 33334567, 44445678
Arduino Reads 22223456
if String=="22223456"
Write Motor1 HIGH
Arduino Reads 33334567 ....

I'm not sure what libraries/ functions to use or if I need anything else to get this to work as I intend

Start off learning how to read bar codes with the scanner and arduino and output the scanned string to the serial monitor. then do something like turning LEDs on and off depending upon what code string is scanned. Then learn how to use motor drivers.

Stir it altogether and bake at 350 degrees for a half hour.

If you can get you're hands on a serial of PS/2 scanner interfacing a a whole lot easier...

But it can be done with USB, just take baby steps and first (after you learned to walk aka code basics) try to interface with that scanner over USB.