Installing on ESP32-cam

Frienda 2 Pieces ESP32-CAM WiFi Board ESP32-CAM-MB Micro USB to Serial Port CH340G with OV2640 2MP Camera Module Compatible with Arduino IDE Arduino Raspberry Pi

Boy am I having problems. I got the boards, searched the web, found a couple of "HowTos" and dove right in - Err missing abc.h, installed abc.h, now def.h and ghi.h and and and ... now conflicting declarations - I think I'm going down the wrong path. Oh and the web (arduino posts) tell me to click on Tools, Boards and install something that's not there. Can someone point me to the right package. Thanks

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First things first... In the Arduino IDE preferences have you linked to the ESP32 board manager URL?

You need this URL to be present.

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try this esp32-cam-introduction

also do a web serach for esp32-cam Development Board Power Interface - it is easier to use to program the ESP32-CAM than wireing up an FDTI interface

is there anything particular you wish to use the ESP32-CAM for ?

That is the old URL. Espressif changed to a new one some time ago and no longer maintain the old one, which means if you use it then you will get an outdated version of the ESP32 Arduino boards platform. Please use the current URL shown in Espressif's official documentation on this page:

Hey thanks for that... didn't know.

So for the OP... use

TA-DA! Up'n run'n.
Found: ESP32-CAM - Getting Started & Solving Common Problems

Now is anyone experienced with this code. I want to use it with Zoneminder. But this code wants/insists on outputting a hamburger and some text. There is the message to use IP:81 for stream which gives "This URI does not exist" - or another package that works video only.

I can explain CPU microcode - how Arduino works, nope.

Security around the house. All of the new cameras are cloud and want fees. Also I like Zoneminder as I can keep everything local.

".. old " therein is a problem - once on the web always on the web - problem: "Click on A then B and pick C" - except the SW has been updated and A or B or C no longer exist - but the directions still exist.

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