New To ESP32 Not Sure What Board To Select

I just got some ESP32s from here, [url], and I am trying to figure out how to use them in my Arduino IDE. I installed the Espressif 1.0.6 in the board manager. I tried to find something for the CH340C chip that's on them but nothing. I also tried to find something for AITRIP but nothing. Then I tried to find something for ESP32 DevkitC 32 and still nothing. Am I looking for the wrong thing? Is there more board driver files I can install in Arduino?

Did you try "ESP32 dev module" [EDIT] or "ESP32-WROOM" ?

Yes, that's the one I tried.

Tried to find, or tried to select and upload?

Tried to select and upload with ESP32 dev module. I can't find ESP32-WROOM in the list.

What happened?

Your boards list must be old. I have 2.0.3

does it say NodeMCU on the back?

No, it doesn't say anything on the back.

I'm looking into updating that.

This explains how to install the CH340 driver How to Install CH340 Drivers - SparkFun Learn

Follow the instructions then come back and tell us if you can or cannot see the comport after you have done that.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

I was trying to use Arduino IDE 1.8.19, I just installed 2.0.2 and the updated ESP32 board list is there, 2.0.5. I should probably keep using IDE 2 from now on.

Here is a screen shot of the "Board Info".


The ESP32S3 is rather different from the ESP32-WROOM.

You need to figure out what you have. Try the esptool utility, once you have the driver for the USB-serial converter installed.

Or just assume ESP32-WROOM for now.

Can you make a good photo of your board ? If there is a square tin enclosure on it, can you make a photo so we can read the text on it ?
I don't trust the "Board Info" when there is a CH340G involved or when a driver is missing or the wrong driver is used.

If you really have a ESP32-S3, then you could start with the generic "ESP32S3 Dev Module" from the list of esp32 boards (I'm using Arduino IDE 2.0.2 and esp32 2.0.5). In Windows, you also have to install a driver for the CH340G. In linux, you need to be part of the 'dialout' group.

If you can't wait, the ESP32-S3 is in beta in the Wokwi simulator:

I think I have made some progress. I get this now when I do a "Get Board Info",


I have the ESP32-WROOM-DA Module selected in the IDE.

And when I try to upload a sketch I get this,

I can't get a photo of my board but the one on the site where I bought it looks just like mine. Here are a couple of screen shots.


I am looking into the other things motioned here about setting it up.

An S3 would look like this

The posted image, post#15, looks like 'generic' ESP32. Select "ESP32 Developer Module"

In the image in post #15 of the error message I keep getting what does "error: 'std::round' has not been declared
using std::round;" mean?

Does this info help? I tried IDE 1.8.19 again and updated the ESP32 in the boards manager. I have the "ESP32 Dev Module" selected for the board. I used the Blink sketch and changed to pin 2. As the sketch was compiling and uploading I pressed the "boot" button on the ESP32. I got the info in these two images then tried uploading the sketch again and it worked. I have a blinking blue light on the ESP32.

It says the chip is an ESP32-DOWD-V3.

Too busy to try the esptool utility?

Do you mean "exactly" like yours with the text "ESP-WROOM-32" ?
That is the most common ESP32 module. That means you can forget about all the other boards. I use those boards as a "Node32s" or "DOIT ESP DEVKIT V1" board.
Good tutorial: