Interesting bench Swiss Army knife device

HUH. Interesting indeed!

(To save a click for lurkers: All-in-one PCB logic analyzer, digital signal (e.g. protocol) generator, analog signal generator, oscilloscope. For 99 of those things with the C and two lines through it.)

Euros... (For those who does not know what he means lol)

I'll pass for now i'm waiting on nano robots in a jar, you open it up sprinkle a few over the board you're working on and then they wireless bridge and automatically sort out the I2C, SPI, UART, JTAG, etc...

and when you're done turn board upside down, power down the nano bots, gently shake onto work area and brush back into jar, any contaminants, dust or whatever will get their molecules re-arranged and turned into a nice smelling fragrance for when you next open the jar..