In this code can anyone say what is "lfrq" and why we are using the number 16000400.0 to find it and what actually is that formula we are using to get the what is it so called as lfrq.
I did a quick cross-reading of the article you linked to
Well if an object is moving the frequency of the electromagnetic waves reflected from the moving object is changed a little bit.
The articel says:
Frequency of Doppler shift is proportional to velocity of motion. Typical human walking generates Doppler shift below 100 Hz.
This video seems to explain it pretty good
The number "16000400.0 " looks like related to the clockfrequency of the microcontroller which is 16 MHz
The electromagnetic frequency of the sensor is an ultrahigh frequency of 10500 MHz
about "lfrq" my guessing is: low-frequency = the lower frequency which is called the doppler-shift-frequency
pp seems to be the period of the doppler-shift-frequency
Besides the software you will need to build a high gain amplifier to make it work.
My first attempt was to build below amplifier from antique stuff out of the analog components bin, but that did pick up some noise. HB100_radar_with_2x8x8_matrixdisplay.pdf (165.8 KB)
Your question sounds very egoistic and very demanding.
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It does not help do add the word "please" at the end of such a sentence.
From your name I assume that english is not your native language.
So maybe you have written this sentence because you didn't know more words.
Still even if this is the case it sounds very egoistic and very demanding.
If your english is limited use google-translate.
If you think about gogle-translate
"I don't need google-translate!"
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