I have Arduino mega and I would like to interface it with a Nokia 6680, so I can control my r2d2 (like ROMO and iphone), use the phone for calls and video.
This phone is old doesn't have wifi, but it has BT and usb.
I need help on both side, Arduino and nokia.
Btw this is everything about the phone
Sorry to be more clear
I would put the Nokia inside the robot connected to the Arduino and control everything (Arduino Mega and Nokia) with another android phone or PC or MAC.
In fact you just want to use the phone for BT? If that is the case, you better buy one of those cheap BT module like the HC-07 (8-9$ on ebay) and it's very good, range is short (~10m) but your phone's BT won't have more range anyway
Hi, Thanks
what about video?
can I stream the phone camera live video from the phone by BT to another phone or computer?
Like remote surveillance.
or what about wifi?
I can buy a new cheap phone with wifi or the wifi shield is it gonna work to stream live video to my computer?
I am trying to prepare my r2d2 for video tracking
I think you are asking too much for an Arduino, but I'm not an expert so it might be possible
There is the "Arducam" project: ArduCAM + Bluetooth Module = Wireless Image System - Arducam
But as you can see, it is very slow. Might be better with Wifi, but I know nothing about Wifi shields.
I suggest you post in Project Guidance, you will have more views/answers