Introducing a fast efficient Integer library for the MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple chip.
There are in fact a couple of other MAX31855 libraries. I tried them all. I settled on a library that Cory J. Fowler created as a starting point. I do not wish to use floating point for any scripting, as it is slow and unnecessary. I then started to rebuild Cory's library from the ground up. I also include a facility to 'fake thermocouple data', which is very helpful when debugging your projects. I have debugged this library extensively, and have high confidence in it's stability. I currently use the code to monitor a wood stove smoke pipe temperature ranging from 90 to 800 degrees C.
Things that are not obvious.
You only need to read the 'HOT' temperature. The 'COLD' is in fact the temperature of the chip itself.
Decimal bits for 'HOT' return integer 0 to 3. 0= 0.00 , 1=0.25, 2=0.50 and 3=0.75
To use the 'bits' simply multiply the decimal bits by 25 and print that after printing a decimal point "." See the code example.
-Decimal bits for 'COLD' return integer 0 to 15. 0= 0.00 , 1= 0.0625 ... 15 =0.9375 No example included.
- ThermalCouple.dataAvailable(SS_PIN) reads the chip register. You should not poll this continuously as the chip takes 70 to 100mS to complete. Once read successfully, the raw data is held and can be examined as often as you wish using ThermalCouple.dataRead(select). In the real world, temperatures rarely fluctuate in less than a second.
I hope you find the library useful!
This Adafruit board is extremely stable and easy to use.
Their included library however is not SPI, blocks, no fault bits, and uses more pins.
The library and following example is hosted here:
Library for the MAX31855* thermocouple chip from Maxim Semiconductor
Written by S George Matthews with starting contributions from Cory J. Fowler Rev 1.1
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution.
This library uses integer only, no floating point to bog things down.
Only degrees C are returned. If you inhabit one of the two countries left in the World that
still use Fahrenght, then you can code your own conversions.
Despite that I return only integer, there are decimal bits available that you can print out.
See examples.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Streaming.h> // Serial.print alternative
#include <MAX31855_DEG_C.h>
// Pin used for Chip Select typicaly 10 with mmost shields that use SPI, so select another pin
// Place MAX31855_DEG_C_lib folder in Arduino/Libraries. Restart Arduino to picup the new library
#define SS_PIN 6 // MAX31855 Thermal couple board select pin
#define HOT_THERMO_SELECT 0 // Returns signed compensated Hot-External temperature in degrees C rounded to the nearest degree, no decimal bits
#define HOT_THERMO_SELECT_DEC 3 // Returns decimal bits. 1= .25, 2= .50, 3= .75
#define FAULT_THERMO_SELECT 4 // Returns the fault data as follows:
#define DEBUG_TEMP
MAX31855_DEG_C ThermalCouple(SS_PIN);
void setup()
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // If pin 10 is not used, it MUST be set as follows or SPI library will not work
digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop()
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if(!(millis() % 1000)) // Every second
void updateLEDtempDisplay()
if( ThermalCouple.dataAvailable(SS_PIN) ) // Always true for fake data
if (ThermalCouple.dataRead(FAULT_THERMO_SELECT)) // Always 0 when fake data set in library
Serial << F("ThermalCouple.dataRead(FAULT_THERMO_SELECT): ") << ThermalCouple.dataRead(FAULT_THERMO_SELECT) << endl;
Serial << F("ThermalCouple.dataRead(HOT_THERMO_SELECT): ") << ThermalCouple.dataRead(HOT_THERMO_SELECT) << endl;
// Each decimal bit represents .25 degrees.
Serial << F("With decimal: ") << ThermalCouple.dataRead(HOT_THERMO_SELECT) << "." << 25 * ThermalCouple.dataRead(HOT_THERMO_SELECT_DEC) << endl << endl;
else // Fault reported
if(!(millis() % 1000)) // Every second
Serial << F("ThermalCouple.dataAvailable(SS_PIN) reports not available. Wired SPI up correctly? Try #define DEBUG_DATA in the library") << endl;