Invalid use of void expression

I get this error code invalid use of void expressions on line 18, any solution?

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#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#define LedWifi D4
String ssid = "Cristian";
String password = "Cristian";
Ticker Tic_WifiLed;
byte cont = 0;
byte max_intentos = 50;
void ParpadeoLedWifi ( ) {
byte estado = digitalRead(LedWifi);
digitalWrite(LedWifi, !estado);
void setup( ) {
//Inicia serial
pinMode(LedWifi, OUTPUT);
Tic_WifiLed(0.2, ParpadeoLedWifi( ));
//Conexión WIFI
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status( ) !WL_CONNECTED and cont < max_intentos) {
//Cuenta hasta 50
Serial.println(" ");
if ( cont < max_intentos) { //Si se conectó
Serial.print("Conectado a la red WiFi: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.SSID( ));
Serial.print( "IP: " );
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP( ));
Serial.print("macAddress: ");
Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress( ));
Else{ //No se conectó
Serial.println("Error de conexión");
digitalWrite(ledWifi, HIGH);
Void loop( ) {

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On line 18 there is the error of invalid use of void expression

Try again, CODE TAGS:

Tic_WifiLed function expects 2 arguments. ParpadeoLedWifi( ) is invoked, expecting it to return a value, but it is defined as void.

by any chance does Tic_WifiLed expect a function pointer as a 2nd argument?

or are these parameters suppose to be specified when Tic WiFiLed is declared?

Shouldn't it be

Tic_WifiLed.attach(0.2, ParpadeoLedWifi);

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