Does anyone know which IO numbers the expansion module gets when you plug it into the PLC?
Last week I bought an Arduino PLC and Expansion module. Now I note that there is very little information about the Arduino PLC IDE software. According to the Arduino website, the Opta is also compatible with the Arduino IDE software??? Or if there is somewhere an hidden manual?
I found some information. Apparently the expansion modules are connected via I2C. In the datasheet of the Expansion module I found a reference to Arduino Blueprint. When you install this in your Arduino IDE, examples will also be added.
I used following one to start from for my Opta Ext D1608E to read the analog inputs:
File -> Examples -> Arduino_Opta_Blueprint -> Digital -> get Analog
I also noted that for:
Opta PLC -> Analog in 0-10V
Expansion module D1608E-> Analog in 0-24V
I really hope Arduino will soon add more information and examples because It took me several day to figure this out.
Hello @kim_vr
You can always find all the arduino official documentation at:
In the case of Opta and its expansions you will find useful:
And the User Manual for Opta and the expansions:
Please take into account that Opta PLC Analog pins are compatible with 0-10V and 0-24V signals with no problems