Is it possible to replace the wire with a resistor?

I just don't have much space and I'm thinking of powering my ESP32-S3 and Arduino Nano boards through a 100 Ohm resistor

If you have ~36V power supply and >10W resistor it might work.

No, no, supply is 5v

If you have 5V, what's the problem? Why use a resistor?

A resistor saves space?

There are zero-Ohm resistors (which are used when there are different versions of a board assembly) or there are 1-Ohm resistors.

Please describe the problem you're really trying to solve.

Bad idea.
Volt drop across a resistor depends on the current through that resistor.
Current draw of an ESP is not constant, so the voltage the ESP gets is also not constant.

Have you considered cutting wire to length to save space?

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I imagined. My answer was a joke.
So what you need to accomplish?

My guess is to avoid a voltage regulator he wants to use a resistor .
You cannot do that ,as already mentioned, the current to the processor varies , so too does the voltage drop, so good chance of destroying it

@kirilllanskoy you have posted almost 80 times and created almost 20 new topics. You can no longer claim to be new to the forum or have an excuse for not having read the forum guide.

Why did you post this, when you must know by now that it is a bad question because it lacks any of the detailed information other forum members need in order to be able to help you.


No, my wires just ended up.
@PaulRB, I was just sleeping :rage:, If it’s daytime for you, it doesn’t mean that it’s daytime for me and not night

Ah, so you wrote post #1 while you were asleep. That explains a lot.

For the benefit of other forum members, please only post while awake.

Personally, I am adding you to my ignore list to avoid any more of your sleep-posting.