Is the OTA lot server down?

I am recieving this error when trying to do a OTA update "Board error received - ServerConnectErrorFail". Is the server down?

The server is not down. OTA updates to an Opta, dashboard I/O, and cloud variables all working fine for me. (However, the Opta gets stuck and fails to reconnect after an upload thanks to the cloud compiler using ArduinoCore_mbed 4.1.3 instead of the newer 4.1.5. Reset button or power cycle gets it unstuck and reconnected.)

Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to check and see if it was server related. I ended up having to reset everything and reconfnigure my arduino in order to get it to properly work again. Finally, I was able to do an OTA update. Hopefully, the issue does not pop up again...

Nevermind, right as I say that, it stops working. Wondering if my sketch is too large since a simpler sketch uploads fine via OTA.

Hello @miker98,

The ServerConnectErrorFail error happens when the device cannot connect to the fw download endpoint.

Please check the stability of the connection.


I think the connection is good.