Is there a download for the entire reference library?

I've already gotten a C++ for Dummies book, which isn't in the least bit helpful. On the other hand, the Arduino Reference library has been quite good.

Is there a way to download the entire Arduino Reference Library?

In the 1.x IDE at least, there's a local copy of the reference included. You can access it via Help -> Reference.

This site is a concise and excellent resource:

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Thank you. I expect I'm going to be lost in cppreference for a while.

The Arduino Reference pages won't help much, if at all, with the C++ programming language. And, you will find that they are quite incomplete when describing Arduino functions.

If you are a practical learner, try YouTube channel Programming Electronics Academy. The videos have a light-hearted aire, which is nice when technical jargon gets heavy.

IMO, it's highly pedantic and focused on formalisms and standards rather than on being a resource for learning the language.

Not a complaint since that was obviously its intended purpose. It's just not a good learning tool.

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