I work in an arduino project with my friend. I'm using win7 os and friend is using win10 os. I can't install drivers for the uno board because of the manufacturer hasn't been verified. But on the friends pc both of our uno boards work properly. why win7 hasn't certified arduino llc
I guess your friend has switched off the need for driver signing.
See e.g. https://support.hidemyass.com/hc/en-us/articles/202723596-How-to-disable-Driver-Signing-check-on-Windows and https://www.howtogeek.com/167723/how-to-disable-driver-signature-verification-on-64-bit-windows-8.1-so-that-you-can-install-unsigned-drivers/.
As I have not had issues (that I can remember) when installing the IDE (1.6.6, 1.6.7, 1.8.5) and its drivers, I can not vow for the correctness of the linked articles. For your information, all my system run a flavour of 64 bit Windows (Win7, Win8, Win10).
As far as I know, driver signing costs money; might be too expensive for smaller businesses.
Arduino's drivers are signed. When you run the 1.8.5 or 1.8.6 installer on Windows 7, the driver message clearly says the source is Arduino. Likewise, when you launch the installer, it says the verified publisher is Arduino. Those are the result of valid signatures.
As far as I know, driver signing costs money; might be too expensive for smaller businesses.
It does indeed cost money, but the expense is not large. This is the one I buy for the signing of Teensyduino.
To sign "drivers" that are merely an INF file (no kernel binary) as Arduino uses for Uno, only the less expensive "OV" type is needed.
This issue is more of a window 8 thru 10 issue as the driver requirements inside the OS were raised for security purposes.
This has left a lot of hardware (not just arduino) with the issue you face.
PJRC is correct in that the drivers are signed BUT and it a BIG BUT.
Sometimes you still need to turn off driver enforcement to get the hardware to install correctly.
Partly it can depend on the version of windows 8-10 and partly it can depend on the user level.
My own preference is to turn OFF driver enforcement and install as a FULL ADMINISTRATOR (above a user with admin rights)
It is best if you return those settings to thier original status when you have done as in the case of a FULL ADMIN you can perform tasks that can cripple a system if you are not careful.
But Arduino's installer & driver are properly signed.
Sure, you are correct with "This has left a lot of hardware (not just arduino) with the issue you face", where people publishing INF files haven't signed them.
Arduino did properly sign their's. It really should work.
Partly it can depend on the version of windows 8-10 and partly it can depend on the user level.
Maybe you could be more specific about the exact conditions to reproduce the problem where Arduino's driver (not some 3rd party, but the official Arduino software installer) fails due to lack of signing?
A simple "EXACT" scenario is where a computer is a loaner such as educational or corporate and any number of policy's enacted by the IT admin could affect the installation of a driver.
Another is where a user may be a secondary profile without any admin rights at all.
Another is over aggressive antivirus or similar as this has been shown in past posts to affect both driver and ide installs.
Another is a bad pirate copy of an OS.
Installation of dodgy "driver updater" software or similar
An incomplete install of an OS where the drivers for the main computer hardware are not installed properly.
A Microsoft substitute driver for hardware (signed by MS themselves no less) with such as Nvidia graphics card drivers being one of those affected. A more common substitute driver is often a mouse driver.
Replacement of system files. Adafruit had a USBSER.SYS file that caused havoc on some machines. IIRC Cannon or Epson had one too.
And just for fun lets throw in an infected machine too.
There are simply too many variables to be very precise. Have seen firsthand issues on clients computers with all the above in regards to hardware issues under win 8 - 10. But dont take my word for it as there is plenty of evidence around to support all of the above More so with slightly older hardware and newer computers.
It is partly the reason my main box is still on windows 7 with 4 year old hardware but tweaked as only an IT guy would tweak his own box. My win 10 test box is better hardware than my main box but even when tweaked runs slower under win 10 than my 7 box despite having fewer programs installed.
PS. and IIRC driver installs under 8-10 were also linked to other windows processes to "help prevent the user" corrupting an OS install. Been a while since I was on technet etc but pretty sure there was a whitepaper on that aspect.
Of course there are many ways Microsoft Windows can get very messed up.
But are any of those corrupted system cases you listed a matter of things not working because of the way Arduino signed their driver?
Are you supporting this (incorrect) notion that Arduino's driver is not signed properly?
Will quote myself here just for absolute clarity "PJRC is correct in that the drivers are signed BUT and it a BIG BUT."
No idea what you are trying to pick at here as I just went on to explain multiple reasons from that point on where a driver signed or otherwise could or even would in some cases fail.
Originally this thread started "I can't install drivers for the uno board because of the manufacturer hasn't been verified".
Somewhere along the way, it seems you've turned this into "I can't install drivers for the uno board because Windows can get corrupted in a wide variety of ways".
Nobody said Windows 7 was messed up. The claim was Arduino's drivers aren't properly signed for Windows 7.
This is YOUR quote and NOT MINE ""I can't install drivers for the uno board because Windows can get corrupted in a wide variety of ways".
All I did was explain there are other issues that can cause unsigned OR signed drivers to not install and that request was at your insistence BTW. " Maybe you could be more specific about the exact conditions to reproduce the problem where Arduino's driver (not some 3rd party, but the official Arduino software installer) fails due to lack of signing?"
Again I am unsure why you are nit picking at this issue.
You offered your view I offered mine its thats the way it works.
We could both be right or wrong but in the end the OP has more information than a single POV.
I think it’s more like “windows systems can be administratively configured in a number of ways that will prevent a user from installing even valid, signed, drivers.” Sigh.