Is there a way to debug or set breakpoints while it's running?

@spielbergrules, I agree with @WattsThat. Learn how to use the Serial functions first.
You need to output lots of information to the Serial Monitor to learn to use the Arduino.

If you really want, then there are two online simulators that can also debug a sketch for a Arduino Uno: Tinkercad and Wokwi.
I made a comparison here: Virtual Online Arduino and ESP32 Simulator - Wokwi Arduino Simulator features - #3 by Koepel

I'm used to print information to the Serial Monitor now. Using a debugger is rarely needed, because there are often several timing things going on with a combination of hardware and software.
Finding a problem with a pointer or array and writing to wrong memory is also hard to find with a debugger. With such problems you can show us the sketch and we find them :wink: