Is there a way to turn and off light by clicking my mouse on computer?

Hello, all. I am new and wanted to try turning it on and off led by clicking on my PC. But nowhere I could find a tutorial on something similar.
So I want to ask if that is even possible.

Assuming you want to use an Arduino in some way, the first thing you need to address is how you’re going to communicate from the PC to the Arduino.

Serial, LAN, WiFi, Bluetooth etc. ?

Of course, you can build an interface on the PC that doesn’t need an Arduino at all.

Maybe take a breath, and explain your project and what, where and why it needs to do this.

I have Arduino Uno so the best probably is to communicate through the USB cable that goes into it. I want to basically just make that when I click the mouse, the diode will glow up

ok, that makes it easier.
You’ll need a way to monitor the mouse clicks on the PC, then send those out through the selected com port.
TheArduino code is pretty easy once you know what to be expected from the PC.

You can use almost any PC programming language to collect and send the mouse clicks.

Yes but you have to write a program on your computer, that will detect a mouse click which will then send the Arduino a message over the serial port.

You can write this program on your computer in any language you can run on your computer. A favourite one is the Free language Processing, it has a C like syntax so is easy to pick up.

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