I want to send sensor data as SMS using Arduino. For this now I am using GSM SIM900 module which not reliable. Most of the times it is unanble to catch the signals.
I don't want to go for Official arduino GSM shield as it is very costly. So I need to explore alternatives.
So, I am thinking of a interfacing a basic feature mobile phone with Arduino to perform the same task.
Is it possible? If it is, How to interface a mobile phone with Arduino without having any idea of it's OS?
What should be the specs of the mobile phone?
Thanks in advance.
How precisely are you going to do the interfacing?
Most mobile phones have a USB port which acts as a slave.
To have any hope of talking to it would require a master host port on the Arduino and then
you would have to write some kind of driver to enable the Arduino to talk to it.
Without any specs of the mobile phone , this is going to be a tuff ask.
Do you have internet access at the location you are located, I ask because it is easy to send SMS messages for any system that has internet access, it is easy to miss this as we all think about phone when SMS messages are brought up.
Go to Twilio.com for information on sending SMS with an internet connection, is applicable to you.