Is this possible with programmable LED strips?


Please excuse my noobness but very new to all this. In fact my only experience with LEDs to this point is reading this article lol:

We will soon be redesigning our daughter's bedroom and I thought it would be cool to incorporate some LED strips.

Anyway, this is my initial thought, can you please let me know if it would be achievable and possibly recommend some areas for me to read up to help with my studies?

LED strips will be set into the wall border to give a glow affect in the room


  • Could we have a motion sensor to detect when people walk in the room and turn on the lights?
  • Could this only work between certain times? (ie: 5pm and 7pm)?
  • Once activated the LED strips will display a pattern and then settle to a constant colour?
  • Could we also have a remote control for various pre-programmed settings, such as Rainbow, all pink etc?
  • Could there be a manual dimmer switch or part of the remote?

I'm just trying to find out if this is possible and just a few pointers to get me started on my research.

I think i'll be ok with the programming part having learnt a few programming languages in the past. I could probably pick this up quickly.

Thank you in advance.

Yes to all the points you mentioned.

The problem you might have with is detecting when a person enters the room, as opposed when the person exits. Also, what if your daughter is sleeping and you enter to check up on her when suddenly all the lights turn on? I suppose you would want to avoid those kind of things.

For the sensor consider an IR trip wire style system, embedded in the doorframe.
For the time of day, check real time clock.
Patterns and colour changes are pure software. No problem there.
A small IR remote would be simple. Infrared receiver page on Playground.
Dimmer switch? Sure, a potentiometer would work just fine, or it could be done as a part of the IR remote functionality.


Thank you for the reply. On reflection the motion detector might not be ideal and therefore we could remove the time of day as well. :slight_smile:

It's good to know that software can be used to create custom patterns / colours.

Could I use something like the following to control 3 different patterns or settings for the room?

To help get me started could you please advise a quick list of what items would be needed to build this project?

As mentioned, I'm just looking for an LED strip that I can program myself, include 3 buttons in the room (see picture) and possibly add a remote for additional programs / brightness etc. I'm not sure where to start.

Finally, is there a place to download the software including examples?

Things like this tend to evolve. So you want to be able to remove the microprocessor for re-programming, or at least having the USB port available if you use something like an Uno with a boot loader. Ideally, you would bring in a laptop to the room to do the programming, so you can try something with the lights installed. Another thing you want to do is have enough spare ports on your microprocessor, both digital/analog to allow adding more sensors/switches over time.

Also, do the project in steps, initially just do on/off, then something like on/red/green/blue/off, and then you can start adding switches, patterns, etc. The problem is learning how to program, both the low level syntax issues, but just as importantly, learning to think about actions at a higher level, and being able to transmit these through programming to the device. Give yourself plenty of time to learn how to do this.

Unfortunately, it has been so long ago that I learned programming (early 1970's), that I can't really offer any pointers, but I assume other readers in the forum have crossed the threshold more recently (or are currently crossing it), that could give some pointers.

Dimmer switch? Sure, a potentiometer would work just fine, or it could be done as a part of the IR remote functionality.

Umm, no!

Potentiometers are yesterday's technology, quietly dying out of use and with very good reason. Unreliable and create noise in audio applications.

Of course, you use "up" and "down" buttons, but if you want a rotary control, you use a rotary encoder - much more robust (extremely robust if of the optical variety); no end-stops to break.

Paul, it's now obvious to me that I wasn't clear enough (at all). In my mind the pot was connected to an analog input to control PWM, not to limit the current on the LEDs.

Of course you are right, a rotary encoder would do the same job in a more awesome way.

Stitched, while you will not find a complete software for your needs, you will most likely find all the bits needed on the Learning section (at the top of the page there is a Menu bar, go to "Learning"). You will need to combine those bits and adjust them according to your needs.

For the project you would need an RGB LED strip (look for it on ebay), some MOSFETS to drive those LEDs, couple of IR LEDs for remote control and a power supply capable of making the LED strip shine.

Thank you again for the replies.

I'm going back to school and have ordered myself the "SparkFun Inventor's Kit v3". From what i've seen on the internet this appears to be best general introduction to Arduino and should help me towards my goal.

I will also check out the information in the Learning tab. :slight_smile: