Hello. I just made this spectrum analyzer project with my Arduino Uno, but I found a strange problem. I also found a solution, but I don't know why my solution worked and was hoping to find some insight here.
The issue was that the LED matrix was acting very erratically, and behaving as if there was a lot of audio input to the microphone, even when the room was silent.
My wiring was identical to the tutorial. I triple-checked it. I decided to start messing around with it to see if there was a loose connection or something, and discovered that when I routed the LED matrix ground directly to a ground pin on the Arduino, instead of to the negative rail on the breadboard, the device worked perfectly. The LEDs lit up just as expected when I put my headphones up to the mic.
With my limited electronics knowledge, I've come up with 3 theories:
- I've got a bad breadboard (although it's worked fine for my other projects, and I tried moving wires to different holes on the same rail and there was no difference).
- There is an issue having 3.3v devices and 5v devices sharing the same ground (the 5v matrix and 3.3v mic were attached to the same negative rail on the breadboard).
- Some devices (e.g. microphones) are sensitive to different potentials/voltages on the same lines they're operating on (VCC/GND).
Can anyone here offer any insight into what would cause this?