Hello, I'm running into an issue with a 1.5inch RGB OLED display.
Setup details:
- Arduino Nano Every
- Waveshare 1.5RGB Oled
- Driver/Library: Adafruit_SSD1351
- Code I am using: Main git repo
- SimpleUI - Basically a simple factory to act as a wrapper around creating new TextAnchor objects (which is done in the SimpleUI::newAnchor()
- TextAnchor - This is where all of the logic is at. The SimpleUI is basically there to make it easy to create new TextAnchors with default settings. But the TextAnchor is what handles the prints, cursor, size, color, relocation, etc.
Problem: After uploading the sketch to the Nano Every, it works just fine. Here's how it looks:
But after resetting the Arduino Every (either unplugging the USB or hitting the reset button), it changes to this:
I created an Imgur album with some more photos, and it contains a video of the display as I reset it (video here).
I've tried several things:
- Resetting the display after restarting the Arduino
- Removing all but just one of the TextAnchor objects
- Tried sending some of the SetRemap and StartLine commands manually, as well as using the FillScreen to black before even initializing the TextAnchor objects
I hate sharing the full code like this when asking for advice, since that usually makes it more difficult, but I honestly am not sure where the problem is exactly. If anyone wants to know some more specific details, just let me know and ill include/comment the specific code.
I feel like the display is maybe holding onto some of the old data that it was displaying before the reset, so I figured maybe resetting the oled itself (by grounding the reset pin) would work, or even just unplugging the entire thing for a couple seconds, then plugging it back in would work, but that doesn't seem to fix it at all.
Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance.