I am using an Arduino Leonardo to control an automated focusing system, with stepper motors etc.
There are several limit switches involved, and two of these are connected to digital I/O pins 2 and 3, through 1k series resistors and protection diodes.
All input lines are configured as INPUT_PULLUP.
All works perfectly well, untill I added an LCD display (with I2C interface board)
I have 2.2k pullup resistors on the SDA and SCL lines. (these are dedicated pins on the Leonardo).
As soon as I do this, pins 2 and 3 do not toggle when grounded through the 1k resistors.
Simply adding the pullup resistors is enough to stop pins 2 and 3 from toggling. If I remove them, then the same problem arises as soon as I use the LCD.begin command.
All the other digital inputs work normally.
Is there anything peculiar about pins 2 and 3 that could cause this behavior?
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Please post your full sketch and a schematic of your project. A picture of a hand drawn circuit is good enough
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