JDY-23 Bluetooth module

Hi everyone,

I've been playing around with Bluetooth LE modules lately. Got them working, but there's one in particular that got me wondering... It is the JDY-23 Bluetooth 5.0 module you can find on Ali, Banggood etc. Although I got it working, there's little information available. And it is dirt cheap!

It is sometimes advertised as having a CC2541 chip from TI, but comparing the datasheet with the actual module, the pinout on the module is completely different. Also, the official CC2541 is Bluetooth 4.0 only.

I bought a few of these modules from several vendors and all of them have the chip marking removed. See attached picture. Even the only datasheet I could find has a picture of the module with the device marking removed: https://cxemka.com/upload/art/jdy23/f/JDY-23-V2.1_BLE_5.0_Datasheet.pdf

Also the range is supposed to be >50 meters, but even with line-of-sight the maximum distance is around 25 meters. Still usable for what I am trying to achieve, but if anyone has any information about this module, that would be appreciated.

Is this actually a BLE 5.0 module? Anyone knows who the manufacturer is?

Cheers, M

Thanks for doing the initial legwork on this module. I am also looking to use it (or similar modules) for SoC-style minimal applications, so any additional info for application would be appreciated. Minimally, I'm looking at simple applications of gathering/displaying data or switching a device from my phone.

?: Can anyone do a reliable translation of the datasheets @marcel_x posted?

Hi w427,

You can run the datasheet through translate.google.com and it does the translation fairly well. At least enough to get it working. It does not mention which chipset is being used.

It only mentions: "It adopts imported original chip design and supports users through AT commandsModify the device name, baud rate and other commands, which is convenient and flexible to use." :zipper_mouth_face:

The range is further than the 25 meters I initially thought. It largely depends on the orientation of the antenna and the phone I was using. 50 meters line of sight is achievable.



Module seems to be made by "jindouyun Electronic Technology". And some more info can be found here, including FCC reports: https://fccid.io/2AXM8-JDY-23. Still no idea who the chip manufacturer is :frowning:

@marcel_x, thanks for your FCC link. In there I found testing data, and the US English version of the User Manual. Direct link to the manual is here:

This unit obviously has on/off controllable outputs (my goal), and now I have to figure-out how to activate or use them. The manual speaks of "app control", but no obvious guidance of what parameters the app would use. :confused:

Hey marcel

I've been working on the same JDY-23 module recently but I've been having trouble sending AT commands to it. Have you been successful in this? Data transfer work fine when sending data to my phone while the PWRC pin is high but when its low i can receive data sent from my phone but not send data to my phone.

As far as i understand the FCC manual this is the mode where AT commands should work but i never get a proper response. When using a baudrate of 9600 and NL or CR line ending and sending the command "AT+VERSION"(Or any other AT command I've tried) i get the response "+ERR:1003". This could refer to the AT command error 3: Operation not allowed but that's only a close match as there Isn't an error 1003.

If you have encountered this please let me know any help would be much appreciated.

Of course i (partially) solve my problem as soon as i post about it on the web. It seems that the get commands and non function on my JDY-23 board. When i use "AT+VER" or "AT+BAUD" where i according to the datasheet would expect a return of the current firmware version or the current baudrate the module stays silent. However when i send "AT+BAUD0" it returns "+OK" and after a reboot the settings have been changed successfully. Whether this comes down to a bad batch that i have recieved or faulty documentation is up for debate.

However id like to use the get command functionality so if anyone has gotten this to work id love some feedback.

And now the get commands spontaneously started working. No idea why but will post if i figure it out.

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