that's a nice funny idea oh yes let me introduce myself i'm jarno from the netherlands and i'm working on a project it's in my profile if you want to see it and help me
Are those the plastic drawers Maplin used to sell?
Not sure, they were at where he worked at the time, not his or mine.
I used to buy them one at a time with pocket money when I could afford them. Don't know what happened to them.
They are in a drawer somewhere
Ever bought a box? They normally come in a box.
What do they put the box in?
If it comes from Amazon, another box
With size 1.5m*0.6m*0.5m.
Same here (Canada), they started out at $0.99 each; before they vanished, they were $3.99 each.
These were called Add-a-Drawer.
Mine look similar to Mike’s.
2 versions.
I've got organisation envy!
Or in my case this would be dis-organiser envy. Resistors far left, nuts & bolts far right. Other stuff in the middle two.
And Proxxon envy too!
I bought 4 of these for $4 ea in 2012. They're portable and hold a range of components. The rest is in boxes and bins that need only 2 storage totes to hold.
I pick up a couple of these mini versions (5"x7"x1") of the one posted by @GoForSmoke at Dollar Tree whenever I go. I really like the size.
I bought a collection of these for my resistors, they are just wide enough and clip together, I keep them in a larger plastic box on my shelves.
I also have a readily accessible drawer with 4K7 and 10K resistors, for obvious reasons.
Resist ohms! Use microSiemens!
We should be measuring in "Futiles".
Cos Resistance is Futile.
PS, Its OK, I'm here all week.