I'm completely new to Arduino and was hoping to get insight on a project
The goal is to take an image using a small camera (something similar to if not the LinkSprite JPEG color camera) and perform image processing (specifically calculating a certain area of the image). I know that the JPEG trigger (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10549) can do this and save the image to an SD card, which can then be uploaded to a computer, and using MATLAB, perform the image processing.
My question is, is there anyway that the Arduino can perform the image processing without having to upload the image from the SD card to the computer? Or is there anyway to incorporate MATLAB's image processing into the Arduino?
Any input would be appreciated.
It's not practical for two reasons:
- Jpeg images are compressed so your code would need to uncompress it to analyze the image, but..
- An Arduino just doesn't have enough memory to manipulate a Jpeg image. Even the 160x120, 8bit color image would be about eight times too large.
You might try looking at the CMUcam to see if it will do what you want, but if not, you really need to do the image processing on the PC.