Keypad libary question.

I am new in electronics and now I am looking to find features of arduino libraries and how to use them to achieve my goal. Recently I got a 4x4 keypad and took a look around the library. I am confused. I just read the Keypad(makeKeymap(userKeymap), row[], col[], rows, cols) command. I don't understand the syntax of this command. Would someone be nice enough to explain me what the words mean? I mean there is nowhere documentation or at least one i have found to explain it like for example int hi=8;

int =type of variable integer
hi = name of variable to be called later
8 = value of variable at this given point of the code run.
why do i use the row[], col[], rows, cols? is the work userKeymap just a name given that can be anything?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

Creates an Keypad object named keypad for use later

It uses the makeKeymap() function of the Keypad library using they previously defined keys array
rowPins is the array holding the pin numbers of the row pins
colPins is the array holding the pin numbers of the column pins
ROWS is the number of rows in the keypad
COLS is the number of columns in the keypad

Have you looked at the examples that came with the Keypad library ?

I read the examples and did my own changes to them because they are made for 3x4 not 4x4 keypads. I am just confused. Is the name of the keypad given with the second word?
Like Keypad keypad ?
Thanks for your time. Now I understand better the syntax.

Keypad is the name of the library. Note the uppercase K
keypad is the name of the Keypad object being declared note the lowercase k

The object name is used to refer to it later when accessing the functions of the Keypad library such as

 char key = keypad.getKey();  //lowercase k because it is the Keypad object name

You can use any reasonable name for the object, or even a stupid one if you want. If you want a Keypad object named donald then create it like this

Keypad donald= Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

and use it like this

 char key = donald.getKey();

I am confused. I just read the Keypad(makeKeymap(userKeymap), row[], col[], rows, cols) command. I don't understand the syntax of this command. Would someone be nice enough to explain me what the words mean?

Let us see if we can acquire some better understanding of what you have wanted (the meaning of this highly abstracted structure: Keypad customKeypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);) with the help of the following Keypad.
Figure-1: 4x4 keypad interfacing with Arduino UNO

A: Detecting that a Key(Switch/Button) has been closed.
1. Row Lines (R1 - R3) are terminated to LH by enabling the internal pull-up resistors.

2. Column Lines (C1 - C4) are activated to Logic-LOW (LL) one after another. This means that when C1 is made LOW, all other column lines (C2 - C4) are kept at Logic-HIGH (LH) state.

3. Let us assert 0111 on C1C2C3C4 and close K11 button. The result is this:
(1) R1 line will get shorted with C1 line; as a consequence, Logic-level of DPin-11 will LOW.

(2) We will observe this bit pattern (known as Scan Code) on C1 C2 C3 C4 and R1 R2 R3 R4 Lines: 0111 0111 (0x77).

(3) Similarly when we close K21 button, we will get this Scan Code: 0111 1011 (0x7B) = C1 C2 C3 C4 R1 R2 R3 R4.

4. Now we can make the following Table to contain all possible (16) scan codes for the keys of the 4x4 Keypad of Fig-1. we will observe that the scan codes are all different from each other. Therefore, a closed key can uniquely be identified by looking at its scan code.

Logic of C1C2C3C4    Key Closed    Label of Key   Scan Code (C1C2C3  R1R2R3R4)        ASCII Code of Label  
0111                        K11              1                   0111 0111 (0x77)               0x31
0111                        K21              4                   0111 1011 (0x7B)               0x34
0111                        K31              7                   0111 1101 (0x7D)               0x37
0111                        K41              *                   0111 1110 (0x7E)               0x2A

1011                        K12              2                   1011 0111 (0xB7)               0x32
1011                        K22              5                   1011 1011 (0xBB)               0x35
1011                        K32              8                   1011 1101 (0xBD)               0x38
1011                        K42              0                   1011 1110 (0xBE)               0x30

1101                        K13              3                   1101 0111 (0xD7)               0x33
1101                        K23              6                   1101 1011 (0xDB)               0x36
1101                        K33              9                   1101 1101 (0xDD)               0x39
1101                        K43              #                  1101 1110 (0xDE)                0x23

1110                        K14              A                   1110 0111 (0xE7)                0x41
1110                        K24              B                   1110 1011 (0xEB)                0x42
1110                        K34              C                   1110 1101 (0xED)                0x43
1110                        K45              D                   1110 1110 (0xEE)                0x44

5. Let us execute the following sketch. This sketch will generate scan codes only for the keys of Column-0 (C1). The scan codes will be displayed on Serial Monitor.

void setup()
  for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

  for (int i = 8; i < 12; i++) //PB0 - PB3
    pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop()
  digitalWrite(7, LOW);  //PD7 C1
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); //PD6 C2
  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);  //PD5 C3
  digitalWrite(4, HIGH); //PD4 C4
  byte x = (PINB & 0x0F);    //R1 R2 R3 R4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0
  x = (PIND & 0xF0) | x;
  switch (x)
    case 0x77:
      Serial.println("K11 is closed -- Scan Code: 0x77");
    case 0x7B:
      Serial.println("K21 is closed -- Scan Code: 0x7B");
    case 0x7D:
      Serial.println("K31 is closed -- Scan Code: 0x7D");
    case 0x7E:
      Serial.println("K41 is closed -- Scan Code: 0x7E");


6. The sketch of Step-5 can be cascaded (expanded) to accommodate the mechanisms of activating the remaining column lines (C2, C3, and C4). The scan codes (and the ASCII codes) of the pressed down keys (and the label of the keys) can be acquired, saved, and displayed. Now, we have a final sketch of tens of lines at a very messy C level.

7. If we are good students of C++/OOP, we can proceed to offer some kind of high level structure to the messy codes of Step-7. I am not very sure about myself who is pre-dominantly a hardware enthusiast (with a little bit of C/C++ Programming Language). What's about you?

8. There is a group of programmers working with Arduino Development Team, who has nicely given fantastic high level abstraction of these messy C codes. We may systematically study their works with reference to the codes of Step-5. Before we do so, we may bring some kinds of modular level functionalities to the codes of Step-5.

(1) Column Scanning
Column lines are activated with LL one at a time. This means that a 0 is walking around the column lines at certain speed. This is known walking 0's keyboard. We activate the column lines; press the key; read the row lines; build the scan code and map it to ASCII code. we can make the following declarations/definitions:

byte ROWS = 4;  //4 row lines in the keypad
(a) byte COLS = 4; //4 column lines in the keypad
(b) byte rowPins[] = {11, 10, 9, 8};   //Digital pins of UNO with which row lines (R1R2R3R4) are connected
(c) byte colPins[] = {7, 6, 5, 4};  //Digital pins of UNO with which the col lines (C1C2C3C4) are connected
(d) char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = {    //2-dimensional array containing ASCII codes for the labels of keys
                                                  {'1', '2', '3', 'A'}'
                                                  {'4', '5', '6', 'B'}'
                                                  {'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
                                                  {'*', '0', '#', 'D'}

(e)  The array named hexaKeys can also be declared as 1-dimensional array like this:
char hexaKeys[]= {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5, '6, '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', '*', '#'};
char hexaKeys[] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x2A, 0x23}; //null-byte (0x00) is automatically inserted by the compiler.

(2) Mapping (transformation) Scan Codes of the pressed down keys into ASCII Codes
When we press a key, the information that we receive is the scan code of that key. For example: after pressing K11, we will receive the scan code 0x77. The artificial label that we have put over K11 is 1; so, what we want is this -- if K11/1 is pressed down, the character/image 1 should appear on Serial Monitor/LCD which are ASCII devices. In order to achieve this goal, the scan code 0x77 must be mapped/transformed into its corresponding ASCII code which is 0x31. This mapping can be done in many ways -- one of the methods is of the use of Lookup Table which says that:

if (scancode == 0x77)
   ASCII Code is 0x31 and collect it from the Lookup Table -- the char hehaKeys[] = {0x30, ..., 0x23};

and etc.

The makeKeymap(hexaKeys) function performs this mapping job.

9. Now, let us study this cryptic/bureaucratic structure: Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);

More will be added and finally, we will try to come up to the understanding of the meaning of the following highly abstracted structure:
Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);


I am confused. I just read the Keypad(makeKeymap(userKeymap), row[], col[], rows, cols) command. I don't understand the syntax of this command.

It looks like a mix between a function declaration and a function call.
The function call in the CustomKeypad.ino example is:

//initialize an instance of class NewKeypad
Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS);

The function declaration, in Keypad.h is:

	Keypad(char *userKeymap, byte *row, byte *col, byte numRows, byte numCols);

The first argument (makeKeymap(userKeymap) -> char userKeymap) is the list of characters to assign to each key. The "makeKeymap()" part is a macro in Keypad.h that takes an address and casts it to a char pointer. What the compiler sees is "((char)hexaKeys)".

The second and third arguments are pointers to byte lists of the row and column pins.

The fourth and fifth arguments are the number of entries in the two lists (rows and columns)

Since this function has the same name as the object class ("Keypad") it is a "constructor" of the class. When an object is created, a constructor function is called to initialize the object. WHICH constructor function is called depends on what constructor matches the list of arguments passed. If no constructor matches exactly, the compiler will try to do some simple conversions (int -> byte for example) to find one that matches. If two match equally well or none matches, you get an error.

Hello again and thanks everyone for your answers and the time spent to write them. You have covered me. Thanks again