How can I bring the "keypad.h" to stop (pause) ?
"keypad" is helpfull to define some parameters.
But then it disturbs time critical function.
Is there some command to stop or should I make my own keyboard function ?
Surely it depends how you code things to use that library: maybe your code has some while()s in it, which maybe since loop() is looping anyway, could be converted to if()s and not hold things up?
Just a guess though...
Thank You very much for quick answer!
I think my problem is the working of the keypad-program itself.
( At 4x4 matrix) the keypad-program sends rapidly often some puls to 4 of the connected pins.
This happens in "background" , as soon I defined and started (begin) the keypad program.
This automatical sending takes time and so other functions (in my case Stepper motor) are disturbed.
When I take off the keypad-programm , my stepper motor runs very much quicker...
So for me would it fine , to bring the keypad to sleep as long as it not needed...
This is from keypad.cpp:
// Populate the key list.
bool Keypad::getKeys() {
bool keyActivity = false;
// Limit how often the keypad is scanned. This makes the loop() run 10 times as fast.
if ( (millis()-startTime)>debounceTime ) {
keyActivity = updateList();
startTime = millis();
return keyActivity;
That debounce is set here:
Perhaps make that longer?
(I'm no expert on the keypad.h though, please don't think that. )
thank You FEBaily for Your quick answers.
For the moment I am little worried (I am really Newbie on Arduino).
When I have "digest" that and have again checked my sketch (it is really long)
I call again... Thanks for moment !
Hi FEBaily,
thanks your advice I found my problems reason !
I had some mistake in my sketch.
The keypad.h realy send puls only as long as the Keypad.getKey() is aktiv.
I have only to be carefull when closing loops which include getKey.
So I don't need some "keypad.stop"
Also your sketch examples are interesting.
I hope I took not too many of your time.
Thanks for you and some contribution I did to Arduino.