L9110 to connect multiple motors

I am trying to move 4 motors using L9110 motor driver by connecting 2 motors in parallel to one of the motor pin L9110 as below. As soon as i connect power, the motor spin a bit and the driver burn and i don't understand why. Is it because too high voltage or reverse current or am i missing something. Please help.

To start with the motor driver and arduino need to share GND to "ground" them.

Also consider you are trying to drive to many motors.

so one connector can only support 1 motor pin? What if i wanted to connect 2 motors with only 1 drive is there any possible way to do so?
i am trying to control 2 motor to drive same direction and another 2 the opposite way

Please post links to the datasheets of the driver and the motors.

For the motor:

and for motor driver:

The link for the motor points at the Amazon sales site and they don't provide the most needed data, the stall current.
Looking at that motor and reading the driver data I'm not sure that driver will manage that motor at all.

i think i found a similar motor type

The L9110 is the smaller version of the infamous LM239D.
Absolute max supply voltage is 12volt, and one chip should only drive one tiny toy motor.
Why aren't you using two of those dual driver boards for your four motors.
You can parallel the input pins of two motor boards if needed.
And yes, driver ground must also be connected to Arduino ground.

If i forgot to connect to connect ground to negative terminal of 12V motors (ground for L9110 is connect to ground at arduino, Vcc pin in connected to 12V terminal). What will happen?

  1. Will it burn the arduino or driver cannot drive motor? Just wondering what will happen?

Don't understand why driver burn.. if i control more motor than intended, wouldn't it be under power instead of burn?

Both will happen, it will be underpowered AND burn.

DO NOT connect that board to your Arduino when supplied with 12V

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that mean i should make sure 12v is grounded to battery first before connect L9110's ground to arduino's ground?

I suppose this is a better approach. Will try it later on (need to buy replacement part).

All of the L9100 boards that I have seem have pull-up resistors to Vcc, which you have connected to 12V.
What that means is that you will be applying 12V to an Arduino I/O and that will damage the Arduino. The I/O voltges should NEVER be over 5V.
Buy a different driver.

@Wawa @jim-p
From the link L9110S 2-Channel Motor driver: Circuit, Pinout, and How to work [Video&FAQ] L9110's ground connection only apply to power source's ground. It is not connected to arduino's ground.

I don't recommend using that board with 12V
The guy in that video never show the connection to a power supply

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