Labview Interface Limitations


I am a really recent arduino user! I do not have much experience yet, though after completing some tutorials, I immediately started with the project I meant to build.
In alternative to a much expensive data acquisition, arduino was the best solution to save some money!
I am currently adopting my project to work almost only on arduino board.
In order to do so, I am building modulus to group up in the end. Is my Intention to publish each of them along with the purpose they can accomplish when all together. But I can only publish after being presented to the project manager.
During this purpose I came across some difficulties. One of them is Labview interface.
One of the modulus is intended to support a rpm reader, just to relate some data logs.
I have started to build up the program in arduino software. The program was mainly based on this tutorial:

It works just fine for me since the IR sensor I use works with 500Hz and allows me to read up to 6000 RPM. Though I am still trying to evaluate the accuracy of this method, I intend to relate all modulos with some other already build and functional in Labview.

I understand though, by reading around in some forums, that a firmware change is needed to call an input as an interrupt one.
I do not have much time to learn how to do it. That is why I post this doubt...

Is there still no solution to this problem? Even with the high priority event introduced in Labview 2013?
Is this possible to avoid if I use a load program into arduino and use it to communicate with labview by a VISA function communication?

Thank you all in advance! :slight_smile: