I would like to use the ethernet port on the Protenta breakout board as a LAN port (configuration: upstream) and also want to manually assign an IP address to this LAN. Idea is to be in a position to pull in tag information from a PLC using Node-red running on Protenta X8.
In general you will find it much easier to manage an IP network if you setup static IP address to MAC address mappings in the router. This guarantees that the IP address is unique within that network and does not overlap with the pool of address used by the DHCP server.
You don't need to do anything on the Arduino end, however it may take some hours for the address change to occur due to the DHCP lease time setting in the router.
I used the "nmcli" linux command to update the IP addresses of the LAN port. Also Instead of cutting the contact to make the Protenta X8 compatible to the Breaker Board, I used a USB to ethernet dongle and that worked great too.
Only problem I currently have is that Protenta x8 loses connection to the IoT cloud when I plug in the LAN cable.
I plug in the LAN cable so that I can connect the other end of the LAN cable into a PLC and read tags published by the PLC. Read the tags and push them to the cloud dashboard using Node-red locally running on the x8.