Tried a 100 ways. Displays Things That I Serial.print no problem. Basically its hooked up and working right its my code. I know it is and I thought for sure I had it. Here take a peek.
//-------------------------------------------------------------HC-12 Send
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 16, 2);
Servo Myservo;
int AnalogInputPin = A5;
int AnalogInputPin2 = A6;
int OutputValue = 0;
int OutputValue2 = 0;
int SerialData = 0;
void setup()
lcd.init(); //-----------------------------------------------------
// lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
// lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
void loop()
{// lcd.write(Serial.read());
int SerialData = (Serial.parseInt()); Between these two lines I added is
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.println(SerialData); Where I have been working.
//int secs = millis() / 1000;
//lcd.print (secs);
// int input = (Serial.read());
// lcd.println(input);
//lcd.print(Serial.write()); //--------------------------------------------------------
int AnalogInputValue = analogRead(AnalogInputPin);
OutputValue = map(AnalogInputValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
int AnalogInputValue2 = analogRead(AnalogInputPin2);
OutputValue2 = map(AnalogInputValue2, 0, 1023, 180, 360);
Thanks in advance!
Thought I would add. Currently the LCD displays these chars. 0, the letter H on its side twice, the
letter H on its side twice again. idk.
int AnalogInputPin = A5;
What Arduino do you have?
On many, the A5 is the SCL pin used in the i2c communication to the lcd. You can not use it for analogRead() at the same time. Use a different pin (not A4 which is SDA) for analog input.
int AnalogInputPin = A0;
int AnalogInputPin2 = A1;
Display is currently unchanged.
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 16, 2);
Can you run the basic "Hello World" library sketch with the display? Not all i2c displays will work with this set up.
It's not clear from your posting that you have had the display working correctly before this sketch.
Tried a 100 ways. Displays Things That I Serial.print no problem. Basically its hooked up and working right
You may have overlooked that part. Yes sir, will do "Hello World"
Its the code is what I am thinking.
This block looks like it should do it to me:
int SerialData = Serial.read();
lcd.println (SerialData);
buts its not. Tried println & print.
Tried println & print.
lcd.println() is not supported and will not work as you intend. There is no automatic cursor management.
Please take a look at Robin2's Serial Input Basics tutorial on how how handle serial input
Am using lcd.print to display voltage and seconds... unable to display whats on the serial monitor.
Can you try this? If everything it is connected correctly it should display the 2 message.
void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); //set curso character position=0 line=0
lcd.print("Starting Display");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //set curso character position=0 line=0
lcd.print("Hello world ");
tauro Thanks but as stated Hello world Tested.
i2c example for serial display shows my timer, voltage and, two blocks... sorry idk.
Hi Jgreene33,
I sincerely mean this respectfully and in a helpful way. Based on your last few threads, I think your biggest problem is not slowing down. These people can help with just about anything, but you got so much going on at once it has to be hard to figure out what is what. For instance you have two threads going for this sketch now. Adding R/C Transmitter To My Controls...
You had three threads the other day (2 got merged) on one sketch where you would comment back without even having time to try solutions people were offering. Slow down read the tutorials that have been posted for you numerous times already, focus on one module or sensor at a time before you combine them all at once. The problem is often not what you might think it is, so do not discard someone like Cattledog's advice because it does not "feel right". When you post take your time to fully describe whats going on. This thread is confusing due to I believe mixed up terminology and rushing again. Make sure you are saying what you intend to say. These guys can only help you if they know what you are talking about.
Good luck,
i2c example for serial display shows my timer, voltage and, two blocks... sorry idk.
Make sure the monitor is set for no line ending. It's available at a little pull down window next to the baud rate.
The two blocks are CR/LF which are not printable ascii characters.