Led music visualizer spectrum effect

Hy i working on led music visualizer project an app on andriod And will get music data and process it and then send data to esp8266 which will drive apa102 leds
I want spectrum animation as shown in this video

He is using python to process music data, i was able to find the piece of code where he is making spectrum animation
Here is his code

def visualize_spectrum(y):
    """Effect that maps the Mel filterbank frequencies onto the LED strip"""
    global _prev_spectrum
    y = np.copy(interpolate(y, config.N_PIXELS // 2))
    diff = y - _prev_spectrum
    _prev_spectrum = np.copy(y)
    # Color channel mappings
    r = r_filt.update(y - common_mode.value)
    g = np.abs(diff)
    b = b_filt.update(np.copy(y))
    # Mirror the color channels for symmetric output
    r = np.concatenate((r[::-1], r))
    g = np.concatenate((g[::-1], g))
    b = np.concatenate((b[::-1], b))
    output = np.array([r, g,b]) * 255
    return output

Could any tell me how he is making this effect
I think he is using some kind of Mel filterbank frequencies

Hy i working on led music visualizer project an app on andriod And will get music data and process it and then send data to esp8266 which will drive apa102 leds
I want spectrum animation as shown in this video

He is using python to process music data, i was able to find the piece of code where he is making spectrum animation
Here is his code

def visualize_spectrum(y):

"""Effect that maps the Mel filterbank frequencies onto the LED strip"""
    global _prev_spectrum
    y = np.copy(interpolate(y, config.N_PIXELS // 2))
    diff = y - _prev_spectrum
    _prev_spectrum = np.copy(y)
    # Color channel mappings
    r = r_filt.update(y - common_mode.value)
    g = np.abs(diff)
    b = b_filt.update(np.copy(y))
    # Mirror the color channels for symmetric output
    r = np.concatenate((r[::-1], r))
    g = np.concatenate((g[::-1], g))
    b = np.concatenate((b[::-1], b))
    output = np.array([r, g,b]) * 255
    return output

Could any tell me how he is making this effect 
I think he is using some kind of Mel filterbank frequencies

This has NOTHING to with any Arduino or wannabe.

ok sorry

Hy i working on led music visualizer project an app on andriod And will get music data and process it and then send data to esp8266 which will drive apa102 leds
I want spectrum animation as shown in this video

He is using python to process music data, i was able to find the piece of code where he is making spectrum animation

You got this wrong. He is using the Arduino to control the LED strip and read the waveform stream over WiFi but the Arduino is doing none of the processing. He has all his codes and project files in Github and this nice working diagram: https://github.com/scottlawsonbc/audio-reactive-led-strip/blob/master/images/esp8266-block-diagram.png?raw=true

This is a vu meter using an Arduino only. Probaby won't give you the same nice effects though.
Github folder is also in his description with source code