LED RGB Module

Hello, I would love to create color organ using Arduino UNO. I found some very cheap RGB LED modules, but I'm not sure, how to drive them. Maybe PWM but I'm not sure. Could some one help me with driving these modules? Thanks

Module: GM electronic | elektronické součástky, komponenty
(Sorry it's czech site, I tried to correctly translate it bellow)

Waterproof LED module (9 x LED 5050-SMD)

R = 620 to 650 [nm]
G = 510 to 525 [nm]
B = 455 to 470 [nm]

R = 1000 to 1150 [lm/m]
G = 1600 to 1750 [lm/m]
B = 400 to 450 [lm/m]

Supply voltage 12 V
Current: 60 mA
Degree: 60° to 90°
Dimmension: 79 x 18 x 9,0 mm

For a simple color organ, I just connected the output of my MP3 player to a pin that was defined as Analog input.

For a color organ that responds to different frequencies, I used an MSGEQ7 chip combined with an Arduino. Here's a great tutorial on that:


Thanks for info! Would be possible to driver mentioned RGB modules? I would love to have different colors for different frequencies and controll brightness of each colors.
One thing to mention. The MSGEQ7 isn't available. Getting one will be expensive.

MSGEQ7 by itself is available at Graphic Equalizer Display Filter - MSGEQ7 - COM-10468 - SparkFun Electronics

Two fully wired up MSGEQ7's on a shield is available at https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10306

In the meantime, I'd just play with the RGB LED's and vary the brightness on a PWM port with the Arduino.

You should also note that there are common anode RGB LED's and common cathode RGB LED's. Common anode is the more popular.

I break my projects down into components before doing the whole thing. In this case:

  1. Learn how to connect and vary brightness of one or more RGB LED's.
  2. Learn how to connect an MSGEQ7 and get debug output from it.
  3. Learn how to use an MSGEQ7 with single colour LED's.
  4. Integrate the MSGEQ7 with RGB LED's.

As far as a driver for your module . . . I'm afraid I can't help you on that. Never seen that before, and can't read the web site.

The wiring kind of reminds me of a WS2801 based LED strip, however this one requires a 12V source.

I would ask the vendors more about what's inside that strip. Any chips??

You can't drive 12V led bar from arduino directly, there are options:

  1. use a transistors - 3, one per color;
  2. use simple transistor array IC ULN2803 or similar ;
    3 specialized led drivers IC, MAX7219, TLC5940, WSxxxxx etc.
    Check out this link, there are small color organ and huge upgraded version - size of a desk, 5 meters RGB strip.

Thanks for provided informations. I will post results after some time ^^.