Level voltage on arduino due

hello everyone , I am afraid to move to Arduino Due from Mega because of the difference in voltage levels where DUE uses 3.3V ,from my experience seeing my friend using DUE it is very sesnitive and easily damaged which may be due to the difference in working voltage, what do you think, I am still very unfamiliar with paying attention to the voltage level in my electronics

I will just say that unless and until you need something the Due gives you that a Mega cannot, it is generally way easier just to stay in the AVR and 5 volt logic lane.



I second @alto777 reply

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but due have a more speed than mega , i will use to make a some complex robot with many sensor

the Due is a nice microcontroller PCB if it meets specific requirements
however, I have managed to destroy a DAC on Due by a trailing wire toutching ground
if you need a more powerful microcontroller look at the ESP32 - cost about £7 in UK compared to Due at about £30 in UK

That must be some plan. I've seen some very complex robots running fine on an UNO.

It would be a mistake to compensate for poor programming and design by using a more powerful microprocessor, so I hope that isn't what's happening here.

How far along is your design? Besides thinking you'll need a bunch of I/O, which BTW is a solvable problem itself without getting a beefier board, how do you already know you'd need a Due?


That’s a significant obstacle - especially when you start adding motors and drivers.

Consider following a few tutorials on basic electronics, they will help you a lot. Also the Arduino Cookbook is a good tutorial.

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