libraries for DS3231 RTC getting in a muddle

Hi all,

I've brought an RTC ZS-042 so i can incorporate it in to some of my codes. I normally start by installing the library and then going through the examples included to understand the comands i can use with it but this one is proving to be a non starter. In the past I've just downloaded the library and unzipped it into the my documents - adrunio - libraries folder and it comes up in the libraries i can include. This one seems to be different and what ever i try i just get an error code saying the command is not recognised from the example code included in the library? I've tried following several youtube videos and web tutorials all with links to the libraries i need to download and use and i always get the same issue that the commands in the examples are not recognised? I've just gone in and deleted all the DS3231 libraries and tried them 1 at a time incase there was a conflict but it's still the same. I'm running out of ideas. Can someone point me in the direction of a library and commands that work with this or have a I brought a duff bit of hardware?