Library for WIFI

I am trying to get started with the WIFI on the Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board. I have tried two libraries, WiFiNINA_generic and WiFiNINA. The first generates a "fatal error: WiFiNINA.h: No such file or directory" message. The second one produces:
"error: 'NINA_GPIO0' was not declared in this scope
What library is needed for this board?

Have you tried the WiFi examples for this board ?

It was when I tried the example "WiFiWebServer" that I saw these errors.

note that although the UNO R4 WiFi has an onboard Espressif ESP32-S3 microcontroller you don't have direct access to the ESP32 therefore ESP32 libraries are not usable

as @UKHeliBob suggests try the UNOR4 WiFi examples

the library is WiFiS3, it is bundled with the boards package and the examples are in the IDE examples menu

I have the "Arduino UNO R4 Boards" package installed but the library list does not show a WiFiS3 library. Is there another place it must be downloaded from?

and did you select Uno R4 WiFi in Tools menu?

Finally "says the blind man".

I missed the whole concept of how examples are tied to libraries and boards. I now have a working example from which I should be able to build the rest of the application.


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