Several libraries installed via manage libraries. I can see them under /libraries in my sketch folder. Properly structured with headers under /src. IDE lists them as installed libraries.
In my sketch, both #include "lib.h" or <lib.h> fails for all libraries. "no such file or directory".
Help !!
I shouldn't have to copy library headers into my sketch file folder, right?
Preferences have sketchbook location as
sketches are under c:\users*\dropbox\arduino
libraries under c:\users*\dropbox\arduino\libraries, which is where Arduino put them
It may be dropbox is causing the problem, try moving your sketch folder to local storage. I use Msft OneDrive, but not all cloud based solutions work with the IDE.
Do you have a file named in the root of the library folders?
When you put the source code files under the src subfolder, this is what is known as the "1.5" library format. When you use this layout, it is mandatory to add a metadata file to the root of the library folder (libraries/lib/ If you don't do that, the Arduino library discovery system won't recognize the folder as an Arduino library and thus won't find the header file in the src subfolder.
You can learn what you need to put in a metadata file here:
If you don't want to mess with adding a metadata file, simply use the "1.0" library format (where a file is optional) by moving the header file to the root of the library folder (libraries/lib/lib.h).
Thanks, but it is local storage on my C: drive. It only gets sync'd up to dropbox cloud periodically. I think different behavior than OneDrive (which is why I stopped using it).
It would be a serious problem if this doesn't work.
That looks correct. I only threw out dropbox because it was different than a local drive. Now that the directories all appear correct, is it working? Does your Sketchbook Location in the Settings look similar to the following?
As you can see I too am using a cloud service and I know it has issues as we discussed here last week or so, I do NOT know that dropbox does, but it is different.
Just to be clear, you are working now?
You need to provide the information that has already been requested twice if you want further assistance:
You don't need to tell us what the path is, only whether it contains any non-ASCII characters (e.g., мікроконтролер).
The ball is in your court. If you won't answer our questions then there is nothing more we can do to help you and you are on your own to solve the problem.