okay, habe SCK erstmal gegen irgendwas ausgetauscht. Kompilierung funktioniert und so funktioniert das Bsp. auch schon. Danke. Die Pins habe ich natürlich vorher für meinen Mega2560 angepaßt.
Der Sketch ist das Bsp. von Ryan.
Single_Temp.pde - Example using the MAX6675 Library.
Created by Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin@gmail.com>
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
#include <MAX6675.h>
int LED1 = 9; // Status LED Pin
int CS = 10; // CS pin on MAX6675
int SO = 12; // SO pin of MAX6675
int SCK = 13; // SCK pin of MAX6675
int units = 2; // Units to readout temp (0 = raw, 1 = ?C, 2 = ?F)
float temperature = 0.0; // Temperature output variable
// Initialize the MAX6675 Library for our chip
MAX6675 temp(CS,SO,SCK,units);
// Setup Serial output and LED Pin
// MAX6675 Library already sets pin modes for MAX6675 chip!
void setup() {
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the temp from the MAX6675
temperature = temp.read_temp();
if(temperature < 0) {
// If there is an error with the TC, temperature will be < 0
Serial.print("Thermocouple Error on CS");
Serial.println( temperature );
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
} else {
Serial.print("Current Temperature: ");
Serial.println( temperature );
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
// Wait one second before reading again