Library not found

I have a problem im not able to solve.
My Library is stored in the Directory i gave under (German: Einstellungen) eg. preferences i think.
So if i type #include <SPI.h> the SPI gets organge.
If i type #include <mylibrary.h> (i can use any existing) it doesn't get orange and it prompts fatal error: <mylibrary.h> no such file or name.
I then read that some need "-" in stead of <-> and i tried that and the color of the font changed to green but the fatal error didn't go away. So i tried to restart the program, then change the directory, and again restart. Nothing worked so i opend the (im on OSX) package of the and pasted the library to the others. I even see both copies in the dropdown in the one in the sketchbook and the other in the samples. But in any case i get that fatal error...
what am i doing wrong?
thanks a lot

Move your library in the "arduino/library" folder.

Move your library in the "arduino/library" folder.

libraries, not library.

libraries, not library.

and make sure that it is the libraries folder in your sketches folder rather than the libraries folder in the arduino program folder.

Ok people. i got it.
Arduino makes a libraries folder by it self. So if i put my library (as folder) in that libraries folder then it works.
so the path is: arduino/libraries/mylibrary/mylibrary.h

so the path is: arduino/libraries/mylibrary/mylibrary.h

While that may work, if a new version of the IDE is installed the library will not show up in the new version. If the library is installed in the libraries folder of your sketchbook (like UKHeliBob suggested) the library will be available to all versions of the IDE.

Edit: PaulS, in the next post, points out my mistake.

If the library is installed in the libraries folder of your sketchbook

The root directory of my sketchbook IS Arduino. The Arduino software folders have the version number in them.

It looks to me like OP put the code in the proper place.