Can't find Arduino Libaries

I have a new install of IDE 2.0.4 and my system is not finding libraries. When I have a "#include <library.h>" command at the top of my sketch, it keeps giving me an error message saying it can't find the library. The error message looks like it's searching for the library in the file's directory vs. looking in the c:/users//Documents/Arduino/libaries folder. I'm guessing there's a path problem but have not been able to manually correct it so far. Can anyone lend a hand? Thanks.

Did you install the libraries yet? Some libraries need to be installed and are not already included (Ctrl + shift + i). If you have already installed them, make sure the library is installed in the right place.

Yes, I have installed the needed libraries and have confirmed they are installed into the \libraries directory. The issue appears to be that the IDE is not looking in the standard library directory and that's why my compiles are failing. My preferences does have the proper sketchbook folder specified. So I'm a bit confused why it doesn't seem to be finding libraries. By the way I'm running Windows 11.

Open your IDE Click File and choose Preferences. Under Preferences / Settings see where your preferences point? For example mine is c:\Users\ron\Documents\Arduino under sketchbook location.

Make sure that location is exactly correct for your system. If nothing else just use Browse and navigate to the folder and try again. Unless there is something in the path incorrect I can't see where it would not work.


Yes, that is exactly what I have under Preferences. The issue was an odd spelling in the library name. I finally got it spelled correctly and my compiles are now working. Thanks for your help.

Glad it's working. I have been bitten the same way. :slight_smile:

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