I have a, um, I don't know the name for it specifically... So here's a picture of what I have:
And the wiring...
So I was wondering, can get this to work using an Arduino?
I have a, um, I don't know the name for it specifically... So here's a picture of what I have:
And the wiring...
So I was wondering, can get this to work using an Arduino?
you have a light bulb and a socket, what do you want to do with it that involves arduino
you have a light bulb and a socket, what do you want to do with it that involves arduino
Well, currently not much... Other than turn it on and off. But what I really want to know is, would I be able to get the light bulb to light up using this and an Arduino?
Check out this tutorial. You will need a few things along the way doe. Please be very careful.
You would need a supply suited to the light bulb running through the controlled circuit of a relay that is able to handle the voltage and current demanded by the bulb. You control the relay by means of the Arduino. You can look here for the method to get the Arduino to control the relay:
This one controls a couple of LEDs and a motor but the principle is the same. Here's another:
I must repeat that your principle concern here is safety. Make sure your supply to the light is off before you work on it. Ensure that any relay you use can handle the voltage and current. Voltage is stated as a numerical figure followed by a V, such as 110V or 220V and your bulb will have that written on it somewhere. Current is stated as a figure followed by an A such as 6A , 10A 12.5A and power is stated as a figure followed by a W - 25W, 75W, 150W etc. Power (in Watts) = Volts times Amps and so if you don't know the current of the bulb but do know the Wattage then Amps = Watts/Volts.
Do the initial experiments where nothing can catch fire and keep your hands (and everything else on your anatomy) away whilst the supply to the bulb is on. The relay will isolate the Arduino from the bulb and so (unless you wire up wrong) you can't break the Arduino. What you can do is give yourself a nasty bite and, if the current crosses your chest cavity, a dose of sudden death. You may want to include a fuse on the live side of the bulb wires.